Character's name & rank: Hauptman Adawolf Lange
SteamID32: 76561199109752634
Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): I do not know
Explain why you were PK'd: A Ksd man wanted to join KG so I took him to the officer to discuss the him joining and the proces, once inside he told me get against the wall and I did but I cried to a man outside to help so he tried Ksd shot me and my man, then I respawned and so did my guy as he was running out of the KG base I tried to punch him my guy then shot him I took 2 men who had not died to come with me to arest him I thought since they had seen it tecinicly it would not be me who arrested him but then. So we tired to put him in cuffs he shot all of us then I rally KG to find him.
Then im in the god box and I get PKed.
Why should you be un-PK'd?: I did not understand the rules correctly what was I supposed to do let him leave KG base and just let him go free??? Should I have unlocked my gate for him and let him on his merry way, I did not know that it would be Fail RP if my 2 men who had not died arrested him. I simply did not understand the rules.
Additional Information: I mean this will not matter but I have worked from grenadier up to become hauptman and deputy chief of the 1st battalion and to lose it over a mistake.