Your Name: Cobson_was_right
SteamID STEAM_0:0:737672761
Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology
Which staff member banned you? Mr. History
How long is your ban for? 10 Days
Why were you banned? VDMx2 | PO's
Apology: A couple days ago, I was acting dumb in game and decided to run over someone who was away from their computer. I wanted to apologize to Mr. History and also the person who I ran over. After that happened, I realized how annoying that can be since you can lose stuff. I was hoping to get on with my buddies tonight and have fun, so I'd really appreciate if we could work this out. Again, I am sincerely sorry for doing that. It was dumb and unneeded, and I won't do it again and I will make sure of that. I enjoy playing on the server with my buds and I'd appreciate if we could start anew. Things I will now be avoiding is running over players in the game. I will make sure to adhere to the rules and not make foolhardy choices against others. I appreciate that you allowed my friend to talk to you. It was very nice of you to do. I hope that you will accept my apology. Hope you are having a good night and that you had a good thanksgiving, Aswell.
Thank you very much for reading this and have a good night.