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  1. in certain situations last resorts aren't always necessary the guidelines are not absolute you were a primary suspect in a coup and so you were shot like a dog not given a fair chance to defend yourself because again a member of my command staff went missing as a direct result of this attempt. you committed a grave offense against the entire faction and that is why you were killed
  2. you were pointed out as one of the key members during this situation in which one of my command members went missing as a direct result multiple peoeple stepped forward and identiefied you, jim gordon, and rudolph, rudolph was killed by the nsb for breaking fear rp so he did infact die aswell just not in the same way you did
  3. Hi I was there when you died. you did not break fear rp on one occassion but twice if you valued your character you shouldnt have broke fear rp when 15+ people pointed guns at you and told you to stop https://medal.tv/?contentId=iroh46wv4vZHrqDVE&invite=cr-MSxSbEksMjQ4NTAzMjQs&spok=d1337N0Jw7PP
  4. Skips

    pk appeal

    first of all I was not prosecuted there was no court trial you sound very misleading. You are also interpreting another's reasoning behind detaining you as an excuse, claiming that you did nothing wrong when in fact you did is also misleading, you have no idea his intentions you are not a mind reader and neither am I which is why I helped him. You have continued to say that these trustworthy individuals identified me at times when I wasn't online so that must mean they are not all that trustworthy. As for the innenminister shooting me well that has nothing to do with anything involving the situation with you, I was explaining how its impossible at any time that I was there for the situation with the Admiral and you in character had no idea about that so no reason for you to bring it up. You can't seem to get it straight whether I had more than one opportunity as in your reply before this one you said I had multiple now you are saying you gave me one. There was no effective way to roleplay up to your standard because you are pinning roleplay onto me that I wasn't there for and when Told to give up my accomplices I responded with confusion and you said well that's that then never said a word to me again. John Marlow is not the only officer in the infantry and he certainly isn't my direct superior. If memory serves me correctly The deputy of the 5th brigade along with the chief were on and if the infantry chief was on that would have been the person to go to if not the deputy or the general. My own department outing me as a deserter is pretty damming evidence not the people who you think are trustworthy and just because you think they are doesn't mean they actually are. And again it was not an arrest you were at no point in anyone's custody or in a cell you were momentarily detained for violating the law and you were given clemency by the feldmarschal I'm gonna have to agree that replies are getting repetitive so Until any evidence or something new is brought to light I will not be responding
  5. Skips

    pk appeal

    So being put in cuffs for 2 minutes is not being taken into custody that is what being detained is. The detainment which you claim is an arrest was not infact illegal because you were out of uniform which in some cases charges could be brought up however the feldmarschal showed leniency and allowed you with the help of myself and an army officer to assist you in correct it. I was not taunting you It may have came off to you that way since you were mad you got thrown in cuffs over it but that's just your opinion. Obviously there wasn't much haste to rectify much because I was told directly by the feldmarschall to get in position for the wargame. And again I wasn't on this character throughout the day so how could I be apart of his gang? The gunfight that was started while the dupe was being set up was because a member of the heer had smacked one of the innenministers guards with his weapon and the guard started opening fire on him and the rest goes down as every gunfight between opposing factions goes down. After I died I ran back to the hangar where the innenminister and kaiser garde were all leaving where I made sure they were escorted out until the innenminister shot me. After this I respawned joined the line and waited for a bit when I started a conversation with some members of the luftwaffe until the feldmarschall yelled at me to go get set up for the wargame. There was never a moment at all in the hangars where I interacted with the Admiral. I can assume when he was leaded away is when all of his men withdrawled from the wargame and it only was with infantry and luftwaffe at this point in which I was participating in so I definetly was at no time trying to lure him away from everyone I was participating in the wargame every round. John Marlow as Thone mentioned above in his reply and his group committed crimes that would absolutely get him and the people that he did them with killed. The problem is that I did not commit those crimes. You keep saying that I was identified as a member of their group well there is no hardcore evidence that I am with them other than the word of mouth from high ranks all in cahoots with each other. You essentially had me killed because I was guilty by association When I infact barely associated with them and killing someone off of assosciation and assumptions is just simply lazy and does not abide by the pk guidelines due you not even 5 minutes into arresting me you had me against a pole calling staff already. My execution was not the last resort it was the first, When I said there was no way for me to get off that pole I meant to say there was nothing I could say to get off that pole. You wanted me to tell you about all of the events and the people when I didn't even know them. I couldn't have even told you their names let alone what They did. You are lying about giving me opportunities and you never even told me what I was arrested for. Again you are claiming I'm lying but haven't show any proof. Someone being trustworthy isn't grounds for a pk, to my knowledge you need damning evidence and testimony from people closely assosciated with that person none of that was given. In your replies you haven't referenced any eyewitness accounts from my own leadership just other departments that have the same aligned belief that I was apart of that group. Why did you not seek out my commanding officers or since you are so bold to mention the generals why did you not have my general identify me among these men. He was in the hangar when everything was going on and I was quite literally fighting right next to him during the wargame. You should have sought my leadership out instead of instantly taking me out back to get shot to actually get real testimonies and witness statements instead of getting a yeah he was there from everyone in the room behind barricades with mp40s and machine guns pointed at the door.
  6. Skips

    pk appeal

    You were not taken into nobodies custody you were caught with a infantry uniform on put in cuffs for maybe 30 seconds then untied to fix it. I was there helping you with it ensuring you being the feldjaeger I talked about was as squared away as possible even. I find it odd how when you tried to arrest John Marlow you were stopped in your tracks by the Feldmarschall but when you got throwin in cuffs for actually doing something wrong nothing was said which clearly means we were simply doing our duty as a fellow soldier. God forbid one of your superiors caught you posing as a member of the infantry. And then you go on to say that others were trying to lure the Admiral and you claim thats the commotion I heard. After I got finished with you I stood in line for a bit and shortly after we had commenced the set up for the wargame. You also are still attempting to lump me in this group of people who committed all these crimes way before I got on my character. I would like you to specify what earlier events because again I wasn't here for the events the Admiral was talking about. If you are going for a grenadier who assisted his superiors with a uniform mandate breaking feldjaeger then I would need to call into question your thought process on executing me for that. You were in the front and loudest and usually people will just simply agree to whoever is being the loudest. I mean if I was hiding away in a room with a bunch of other people I would assume those people hiding with me are gonna back up what I say and that is exactly what happened. During my arrest I was asked only 1 question from the feldmarschall, and it was at the very moment I was arrested and he asked me did I really do this? And obviously I swore up and down that It wasn't me. But again it was a room full of the same people with the same intentions who will all agree to the exact same thing regardless. I was then rushed to a pole outside to be shot where I was told to give up my partners in crime. My response to that was what are you talking about because I in fact was clueless. How could I tell you stuff about people or the nature of their crimes if I was never there for it. I was actually speaking out a lot, pleading for you to explain yourselves, show me evidence, what is going on? None of you responded to me and all someone said to me was shut up. It was already made up in your minds that you were just gonna shoot me because within 5 minutes of me being arrested i was leaning against a pole. there is not much a dying man has to say about a situation he knows nothing about. I cannot convey my innocence to people failing to safety there weapons before the command is even given to take them off safety. I was actually in fact not a stones throw away from the kaiser Garde base sure I ran past it but I was actually apprehended the second time by the fishing pond and I continued to demand the things I stated above and was either ignored or told to shut up. I feel as if you are making up the fact I was roleplaying a below standard quality when you yourself said one thing then never again said anything. Nobody talked to me at all other than maybe saying shut up or insulting me. Well you said it yourself "I may not have been involved" which logs will back this up. I would like to know exactly where I lied under this appeal, I want proof of the stonewalling and low quality roleplay not you just making shit up. And I want to know how I was supposed to get off a pole where people were already taking aim to fire and the admiral reminding them of the commands to go by. It was impossible to get taken off of that pole because you the ring leader said one thing to me you failed to roleplay this out and instead you were just hell bent on killing me and moving on to the next unfortunate soul that did you wrong. There was absolutely no opportunities given and when I asked about the situation you said well that was your final chance as if I was given any others in which I was not.
  7. Skips

    pk appeal

    well do I have news for you in this screenshot here it shows when I was told to get on for a wargame for reference I run on CST 1 hour behind EST. you stated that at 5:30 EST all of these events happened and I am stating that I was not there for any of that. The logs will back up me getting on around the time of my Friend messaging me to get on for a wargame and all of these events you describe above happened an entire hour before I got on the server. Logs Will also show that the only people I killed were. Marines, Luftwaffe, MOI, all of these kills are from the wargame I participated in. It is no surprise that I would leave out everything you stated above because I was not there for it and have had no knowledge of it until reading your reply. I infact was singled out because when dog heard my voice he started screaming thats him thats him when I simply did not take part in any killing of any feldjaegers nor MGD nor marines at the time of what you said above.
  8. Skips

    pk appeal

    Character's name & rank: Grenadier Thorfinn Snoresson SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:526256772 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): hound Explain why you were PK'd: I first got on my character when I heard there was a wargame going on with the MOI and I got in to participate in that wargame. When I got in I lined up and waited until I noticed a Feldjaeger with a fucked up uniform and helped him. Everyone was being chaotic and yelling and while I was over by the wardrobe helping a Feldjaeger with his uniform, the admiral starts screaming about something that I can barely here and I shrug it off and keep going about my day. I then fight in the wargame after that I patrol around the city for a bit then I come back to the bendlerblock with the Feldmarschall who said he needed everyone and I come into a room with marines and one feldjaeger who starts yelling "its him its him" then all the marines and him surround me and tie me up and say this guy threatened my life to the feldmarschall. They didn't give proof they didn't say anything the Feldmarschall just says ok and says take him out back. and then I get ran over and die then I get tooken back and then I get shot. Why should you be un-PK'd?: While others who were actually making threats against the admiral were making them in the advertisements I hadn't interacted with him the entire day. all the Admiral had to do was point a finger and all of his yes men agreed to it. They had no Idea what my name was They didn't fill out a single witness statement or anything, they simply said it was me because they know who I am out of character and they thought it was good enough and just went on with it. Additional Information:
  9. Skips

    PK Appeal

    the warrant has been served before, numerous advertisements in game were sent out telling you to turn yourselves in I myself specifically remember a scenario of saving you from the men trying to execute the warrant. the entire command of the NSB is not just 3 generals its all the COs below him. This was stated my the Justice minister and you yourself confirmed that the warrant was served previously just because some of the nsb command staff couldnt pull their heads out from their asses does dismiss the warrant. What dismisses the warrant is the justice minister and nobody else seeing how we reached a resolution and you were no longer in trouble
  10. Skips

    PK Appeal

    So yes I did not say a word when you were getting grilled by the minister. As you know its hard to get a word its a two man back and forth between you being defensive and him showing aggravation. After he left I did mention to you multiple times that I did not know of his intentions. As for me handing him the warrant it was the subject we were attempting to clear. Had nobody have found the warrant there was no guarantee to it being dismissed because while it could not be found it was still a known active warrant by a handful of the NSB and LAPO by giving him the warrant advocating for it to be dismissed I ensured that there would be no future problems I fail to see where you were so backed into a corner that you had to kill me
  11. Skips

    PK Appeal

    Character's name & rank: Oberst Johan Karlsefni SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:526256772 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Hound Explain why you were PK'd: The following was as I was told by hound is a UA approval/Greif PK The day the the former chief of the Luftwaffe Leopold Dreyfus, was transferred out and relinquished his position to the now current chief Walbert Lentz. The former chief informed me that I should become the new deputy when Walbert takes command, he said was to inform him if I am not made the deputy because he saw that I was a good candidate for the position. The next day rolls around and It comes to my attention that I was not made the deputy and someone else was. I formed a good relationship with the former chief and thought of him as an ally so I took him up on his suggestion and informed him that I was not made deputy so me and him went to go talk to walbert. the conversation between walbert and the former chief now justice minister went very terrible. The justice minister did nothing but hurl threats at walbert in particular a warrant that had been outstanding. The former leading state secretary had made a warrant for him that was never carried out entirely. after more threats from the justice minister he left and went back to his office and told walbert that if he wants the warrant gone he should make me deputy and come back to his office when that happens. After hes gone myself walbert and another mgd guy went into a room to talk things out. I went over multiple points and made arguments why I was better for the position and in the end walbert conceited and made me deputy. We then went to the justice minister to get the warrant dismissed and walbert's name cleared up. It proceeded to turn into a long argument of if the warrant is even valid we pulled in NSB command staff lapo and other extras. I showed the justice minister the warrant and made multiple points myself on why it isn't valid effectviely defending walbert's name. after all this eventually the warrant was thrown out of the window meaning walbert was no longer in any sort of trouble legally and could not be touched. the day after I get dragged off by 4 lufwaffe COs and the general blindfolded and shot Why should you be un-PK'd?: I think there are multiple things that are wrong with this scenario the first one being I have zero control over what Ich bin says. I had no idea the way he was going to push for me to get the position of deputy of the luftwaffe was to dangle a warrant over the chiefs face make threats implying he could get shot for what he was doing. Because I was not in the loop I could not stop or advise ich bin to not do something like that because it would be my life at risk. But as it played out I died for someone elses actions and by no means am I placing all the blame on Ich bin its just the fact that it was not me saying that I would take him to court or the NSB and get him killed I was requesting assistance from the former chief someone we both served under and I thought respect would be show but it was not and threats were thrown around instead but perhaps it could have been talked out before I went to Ich bin but this rolls on to my next point. After Lentz had talked to me personally I did not come off as anything but a friend I did not take any approach to have this warrant fulfilled or see him put before a firing line. I made sure to go with Lentz to Ich bin and get the warrant thrown out and I feel we reached an acceptable result. this guideline I feel the guideline here was violated and was not followed, Attempt to resolve the matter using other means which don't involve PKing first, unless it is deemed impossible, and agreed upon by the approving staff member. The whole pk was carried out after the fact I helped to get rid of his warrant and made sure that there would be no more attempts to take him in. I would completely understand if this was carried out yesterday before we went to the justice minister but it is just redundant and makes no sense to kill me after Lentz is absolutely safe and secured. I thought after the multiple talks between me and lentz then ich bin later would have been enough for him to not want to kill me. While this situation was advantageous for myself I did nothing but make attempts to convince lentz to make me the deputy. Unlike Ich bin I used reasoning not threats and while lentz had it in the back of his head that the warrant was there for reasons stated above it just makes no sense to me that I could be killed for the situation after the fact that everything was all patched up between us. There could not have been to last resort because we already had reached a compromise between all parties. It was not my own actions that entirely resulted in my death and considering the compromised reached I feel this pk is invalid. Additional Information:

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