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  1. I'm sorry for killing you sparrow. I understand what I did was wrong and I was having fun breaking the rules and Ill take the punishment. The "drive by" was the other guy not my voice. The driving of the vehicles was also not me. I did do the killings. Either way, sorry buddy. If I see you again in the server I'll give you a sincere apology and a cigar. Have a good one. See ya in 20 days.
  2. I legit am sorry for killing, I was just having fun like everyone else. I just wish we could have resolved it ourselves.
  3. Your Name: mattfoo / Franz Xavier Schwarz SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:22608135 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology Which staff member banned you?: Mr. History How long is your ban for?: 20 days Why were you banned?: MRDM | Mass PO's Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Im sorry to the guy that I killed and pissed off. He chatted in OOC to live it up because Im fucked tomorrow I knew he was actually pissed and not having fun. I tried to apologize in person not in OOC to him and tried to comp him for anything he lost. He then let me fly his helicopter because I might as well have a flight before Im banned is what he told me. So I really tried to make things right and say sorry directly to the dude who I killed and tried to fix the situation. Additional Information: It was late night hours and literally everyone in the server was on some bullshit killing each other. I just happen to make someone really mad. I tried my best to make amends but the guy would rather see me banned for shooting him. I feel like 20 days is hella harsh for me trying for an hour to make the gentleman feel better and not be so pissed. All he kept saying to me is BRO YOURE SO FUCKED TOMORROW. Now Iv played this server and had admins massRDM me then tell me they were just having fun and sorry I wasn't. Then ban me when I got pissed. So iv totally done something wrong, I tried to correct it and apoligize multiple times. I feel I am being punished harshly than to just make peace and move on. There was no sit. This was all last night and banned when I tried to join today. I assumed hes friends with an admin since he kept telling me wait until tomorrow. Anyways, once again Im sorry guy. I know you will come here to read this. Lighten up its just a game. Im sorry to piss you off but I legit tried over and over to make it right. It seems like the game is more fun to you to see ppl get banned, which is lame.
  4. Introduction Information Section Steam Name:iamfoo SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX):STEAM_0:0:22608135 Discord Username/ID:.mattfoo Timezone: est Age:35 Time Played (check with !time): 1 week 2 days 16 hours. Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): User Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Yes and yes Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: Yes Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: Spooks Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): Spooks, Acevass Basic Information Section IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: Franz Xavier Schwarz Regierungsrat Ministry of Truth Document events the citizens of Berlin would be interested in. Report photographs, interviews, etc news to be published Petah Hainbeck Sekretär Ministry of Finance Manage spreadsheet of finance data Create documents and forms for the Ministry of Finance. How long have you been roleplaying?:1 week 2 days 16 hours Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for, and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: Yes, I have a few. The server had a learning curve. I came from FPS games like Hell Let Loose, so it took me a bit of trouble to learn that I can't just kill whoever I want when I want. Most of my infractions are RDM. Others could be my mouth. When I felt I was in the right and not being treated, I popped off at the mouth of whoever. I have also been more respectful and understanding that we were all here to have fun. So any admin I may have cursed at I'm sorry. I'm a changed man. Look at my game plan. Staff Knowledge Section What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode?None at all. I'm new and would need to be trained. I'm motivated to learn. Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]: My friendliness makes me the ideal candidate for your staff team. I've learned the server rules through trial and error since joining the Prometheus community 16 days of playtime ago. Firsthand knowledge, coupled with the lessons I've picked up, equips me with a unique way of looking at the player experience and how to support and enhance it effectively. I am a fast learner and am never shy of trying to add to my skills and knowledge when an opportunity arises. My approachable nature can easily engage with players and help develop positive interaction. My maturity and clear-mindedness will enable me to stay poised and professional in challenging situations. As a new roleplayer, I learn to create engaging, immersive experiences for myself and others. I look forward to applying this knowledge to continue helping Prometheus Networks be one of the best places for top-tier roleplay. Many of my friends are here, and they have a good time with the community, so I will stick around if I can. I want to be part of a team of friends, all aiming for the same common goal – to keep the server we play on fun and fair. I do not wish to punish new players immediately but explain the rules and give them a chance, just like the admins gave me. I could work well with the present staff, and I hope to fill a position of help on this server. I am confident that I will be a good fit for this job, and I would be honored with an opportunity to contribute towards good server health and morale at Prometheus Networks and continued success in the future. Please consider bringing me on to help with the server. I also want to apologize for my actions, as I wasn't the best on the server, and I also wish to say sorry for my remarks to any staff and players I insulted, as I was angry a lot. Still, I am reformed and want to help make the server a better place for RP. What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: As an admin, new players will look to you for guidance and fairness. We would be responsible for being a teacher and a mediator in conflict. We would be accountable for upholding the server's rules and promoting fun. The upper admins will assign me duties and responsibilities, but it would be like ensuring a fun and mature environment to roleplay, being unbiased to friends by treating everyone equally, and giving people on the server a good attitude and friendly experience. I would work to make operations run smoothly and experiences enjoyable for all players on the server. You are the guardian and moderator, always watching over what is happening on the server, responding to issues promptly, and keeping things fair and friendly. When a player encounters a significant problem that disrupts their gameplay, you leap into action to investigate, find the source of the trouble, and apply a solution to get them back into the game. Vigilance would be the key to catching gamers not playing by the rules through cheat codes, exploiting glitches, or toxic behavior. The ban mighty hammer is cast on, and you get to pull it out to axe these bad actors swiftly and uphold server integrity.
  5. Your Name: mattfoo (STEAM_0:0:22608135) Staff Member's Name(s): Scooby STEAM_0:1:623169424 Rules Broken / Conduct issues: RULES FOR THEE NOT FOR MEEE Evidence (Videos/Screenshots): no video. look at your kill log from the time i was banned Additional Information: I was banned for 5 days. Admin scooby pulled me into a sit. Said absolutely nothing and banned me for 5 days. This is after I was RDM killed by his group 4 times or so. After the 4th time I did fire into the group killing one person. Instead of talking to me he just banned me. Turns out he was apart of the group that killed me over and over for no good reason.
  6. Sorry for retaliation and to the guy that I killed in attempts to fight back. I feel I was following the rules the best I could until like the 4th time dying and losing my guns and ammo. I got pissed and fired into the group that killed me all of those times. Not thinking one would cry to an admin. Also not thinking one may be an admin breaking the rules right along with the group then punishing someone when they retaliate.. So sorry to the guy I killed.
  7. turns our the admin who banned me was with the group that was killing me over and over. figures....
  8. scoob can ya look at the log? can ya ban the guy that killed me over an over? can ya maybe talk to me next time? No words and a 5 day ban is harsh. After all those deaths I never thought Id be the one getting banned.
  9. Your Name: Peter mattfoo (STEAM_0:0:22608135) Appeal Type Dispute Which staff member banned you?: Scooby How long is your ban for?: 5days Why were you banned?: RDM Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I was wrong for retaliation however I was killed multiple times before fighting back. Additional Information: I was being RDM killed over and over. I do not know how to record so I went back to ask who killed me and why. After maybe the 3rd or 4th death I went back and fired at the guy I thought was the person killing me over and over. The admin did not speak to me just AFKed then banned me. Can you atleast listen to me and check the logs. What you did is allow the person who is breaking the rules to use the admins as protection against retaliation. Also, the admin should have looked at the kill feed and see I was killed without causing any damage to anyone and without trespassing. I was being friendly. Maybe a warning for retaliation but a 5 day ban during the holiday...come on scoob.

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