Character's name & rank: Hans Reinhardt / Unterfeldwebel Heer
SteamID32: 76561199805452991 / STEAM_1:1:922593631 / [U:1:1845187263]
Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): nope
Explain why you were PK'd: Arrested
Why should you be un-PK'd?: I believe the permanent kill (PK) was issued under false pretenses, as I was never informed of any charges or reasons for my arrest. During the incident, I was not provided with any formal reasoning or explanation for my actions being deemed criminal. Additionally, there was no prior communication or warning regarding the severity of the situation. Without being given the opportunity to understand the circumstances or defend myself, I was unfairly subjected to a PK. I request a thorough review of the situation and the reinstatement of my character, as I believe the PK was not justified.
Additional Information: I would be grateful for any further clarification on why this PK was issued and would appreciate a reconsideration of the circumstances surrounding the arrest. I am willing to provide any additional details if necessary.