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About blahaj_collector

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  1. Character's name & rank: Stabsgefreiter Otto Berkowitz SteamID32: 292925328 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Coffee Explain why you were PK'd: A little unclear as to why I was PK'd- admin was either present or got called while I was being interrogated by the NSB. At least one staff member (I think their name was Spooks?) was RP'ing as an NSB member, but I don't think they are the one who issued the PK. I was being interrogated by the NSB and only responded with "I have been illegally detained and want to to be released." Spooks told me it was not against the rules to repeat as such, but not responding at all would be stonewalling. I continued to repeat this for around 15 minutes, not being told that simply responding with the same thing was PK'able (until Coffee got called in), and being moved around the Ministry of the Interior building sometime in between. I was moved to another room, where I repeated the same thing, but this time Coffee was called in at some point. I was told that I was stonewalling and could be PK'd for it. I asked what rule that was under, once or twice, and was immediately told I was going to be put on the PK list because I "kept interrupting and asking what rule it was". While my conduct may have been annoying, and I apologize if I interrupted or ticked off any moderators, after being told I was put on the PK list I asked if I could avoid a PK if I just... went along with the NSB. I was told OK by someone, I can't remember if it was the mod or a member of the NSB. Nonetheless, I complied with the interrogation, answered the questions for the dossier, got given an NDA, signed it. (links will be placed in additional info) I returned a few hours later to play GMod, and when I logged onto the server, my character was banned. My memory of this is not very clear, I was holding in a massive shit throughout all of this because I kind of just wanted to get out of it without being tried. Why should you be un-PK'd?: I am not going to try to dispute the reason I got PK'd, it is not up to me to decide whether or not it was justified. However, my character was not seen as PK'd by the NSB agents who called in the mod/admin (no clue of what Coffee's role is), and it was completely up to the moderator. In RP terms, I was not killed. I do apologize for being a little bit of a cunt and repeating the same thing, I thought it could be in line with RP. I'm sorry if I broke any rules or stepped on any toes, and if my character is un-PK'd, I will make sure to think about my actions in RP more carefully. Additional Information: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1C1Q61cTdoWBbOruYKTO5RgQ2BLYx7vskVhSDbyPAJyg/, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1G5qbegYPOc1GnroSkllzhQkUEazt_z4g7LEkiAisvmc/ (edit: I am not going to attack ad hominem any of the mods/admins involved, but I would like to say that whoever ended up issuing the PK got really pissed at me when I asked for the rule. I feel that their immediate resort to PK was more of a personal reaction than one of a neutral administrator, and it is a little discouraging to see. I do not doubt, however, that the staff team here are definitely community-oriented, so if the PK is upheld, it must be for good reason.)

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