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  1. Kertz

    Ban Appeal

    Your Name: Kertz SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:172448989 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute Which staff member banned you?: Aris How long is your ban for?: 3 days Why were you banned?: LTAP NITRP Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Because the man trying to pk me NITRP'd first, his PK reason was invalid, therefore i was not under reasonable suspicion of being actually PK'd Additional Information: When expressing my distaste with the PK the Major said "/me gags" which indicated to me he was not taking the RP seriously. Which prompted me to leave.
  2. i was leaving before i even noticed the guns pointed at me. he and his goons had no reason to detain me if i was already complying.
  3. Yeah so i was leaving after the guy told me to leave.
  4. Character's name & rank: Stanislaw Walter, Oberkommissar SteamID: STEAM_0:1:172448989 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Idk who im assuming Lawson Fuchs bc he has a problem with me Explain why you were PK'd: No idea. Literally. Why should you be un-PK'd?: I dont know what i did to deserve it,. Additional Information: Ive been playing today as different chars so i could join nsb and try new things, about 3 min ago i try to play as my main char and i click and it says the char is banned. I dont even recall playing as him today, if i did it was a very short amount of time, i was never informed of wrong doing. I suspect it to be Lawson because he pk'd a fresh char 1 or 2 days ago for arguable reasons but im not here to argue that guy. Stanislaw is my DAY 1 CHAR. I just want my baby back.
  5. Kertz

    Ban Appeal

    Your Name: SteamID BillClintonSmokesWeed Appeal Type Dispute Which staff member banned you?: Arrow How long is your ban for?: 2 weeks Why were you banned?: RDM2 and NITRP Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I shot the individual inside of the LaPo garage asking him to leave after PolizeiPresident Erich Scharnhosrt asked me to get him out. I was never trained to give people a specific amount of time and i have seen my superiors do this exact thing with no punishment. Additional Information: IDK how i have NITRP ive been active daily RPing on this server almost 2 weeks now.

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