Introduction Information Section
Steam Name: angiebullard
SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:738195428
Discord Username/ID: supersamstemple
Time zone: CST
Age: 19
Time Played (check with! time): 1 week, 1 day, 10 hours
Your current rank (User/Donator/Trusted): Donator
Do you have a mic & will you use it?Yes, I do have a mic, and I do plan to use it.
Are you consistently active on the forums and server?I am usually always active; I also will start being active on the discord server. In game, I am active for an insane amount of time.
Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: Evan
Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): Lentz, Evan
Basic Information Section
IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: John William’s is a permanent owner of a diner that opened a short time ago. He likes to go mining a lot, and he also hangs out with some other business men such as Sparrow. His net worth is around 260k.
How long have you been roleplaying?: On this server, about 9 months if not mistaken. I was past Oskar Kontinental, a hotel owner who died for treason. I have had this character for 2 months now, and I stay careful with it, I have not even experienced fear rp.
Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: Yes, sadly, I did have one 2 week ban for advertising external sources. At the time I did not know this was against the rules, and I have since learned not to do it again. The other time was a 4 day 5 hour ban, it was because I logged. I rage quitted while in a fear rp scenario on a other character (Oskar Continental), I promise to never do this again as I have learned that the best answer for an armed robbery is always giving them what they asked for instead of dying over it.
Staff Knowledge Section
What previous experience do you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode? This will be the first time, I am new to moderating, and may need some help in the start, but I promise I will learn rather quickly as Sparrow will most likely teach me how to do moderator work.
Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team? [300 words or more]: I am a very online person to say the least. I am usually online 4 hours at least a day, 7 hours on weekends. I am rather quick to learn from my mistakes and not repeat them. I also really get along with others, you will not see me being the one starting fights for useless reasons.
I have had experience moderating servers on apps like discord, and most would agree that I use my power correctly, and do not abuse it. I also think that you should make me an admin for the server because I really get along with other already known admins. Me and Sparrow are in good relations, we have known each other for about 2 months now, and have never ever had any conflicts OOC, and not much IC either.
Thirdly, I have great communication skills with people in the game. I try my best to find solutions, and doing so does not bore me. I enjoy helping other people who may be new to the server and may need a guide to make life on the server easier for them. For solutions I do not know, I will learn from what I do not know and research it, so I know it the next time.
Fourth, I am the last person in the server to ever abuse their power, and I would be the first to report it. I believe that admin abuse does not only ruin the rp experience of many users but also ruin the fun of the game overall. I would be on the lookout to make sure this does not happen, and by the time I become a senior admin if accepted, I will play the teacher. I will help new admins learn how to moderate the server and teach them what powers are abusive and not abusive.
Fifth, if you ever have problems with me, you can just let me know, I promise I will not be offended. I will say “Okay, thank you for the feedback, sir, I will make sure to apply that next time.” I am a relatively easy person to teach, and an overall responsible person.
Finally, I will make sure to get the job done, I will not leave any player hanging without a solution. If I cannot find it, I will still make sure they get the help they need by contacting senior admins. I love to find solutions, it is fun, almost like a puzzle. Unlike other applicants who want to become a mod for power, I want to become a mod to help people, be kind to people, and provide support to people. When you find a solution to someone’s needs, it makes you feel a sense of satisfaction you cannot get any way else whatsoever.
Overall, I should become a mod because I am active, I have experience, I have good communication, I never abuse my power, I take constructive criticism, and I always get the job done. It would really mean a lot to me to become an admin in the server, I believe I would really improve the community physically, and emotionally. If you ever need to contact me in game, you can ask me at supersamstemple on discord, or you can just ask me in game, I am online all the time. I really appreciate you taking the time to read all of this and really see why I would make a great option for the admin team. All the admins I have met are wonderful people, with wonderful personalities, they are truly great. But these are the reasons why I should become a moderator, and I truly hope your team can take that into clear consideration. Thank you, sincerely, John Williams (OOC name: Sam)
What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: I believe that the duties and responsibilities for this position is simply to help those in need, help those that are unsure what they are doing, is it allowed? Is that right? The main job of the admin team is not to boss people around, constantly bug rp’s, and mess up peoples props for fun, it is a job to help people, to make sure people know that what they are doing is allowed, correct, or even possible. The daily duty of an admin is to report admin abuse, moderate the server for NITRP, RDM, LTARP, Etc., and help those that may be new to the server and need a helping hand on what to do, and what the server is about. Sometimes I am IC, I love helping new players. If they seem like nice people who may need a job, or some help, I give them 10,000 DM and offer them a job!
In conclusion, the main job of a moderator is to moderate, report, and help.