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ItzTreywayyツ last won the day on January 14

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About ItzTreywayyツ

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  1. +1 Good guy and great RP would be a great staff
  2. He is my deputy so i see him often and its always a good RP interaction +1
  3. I also witnessed the situation and the member of the small council made it very clear nothing was happening to him and you could of found that out by investigating the situation instead of instantly shooting another member of your faction inside you're own base.
  4. While you are right that wasn't the smartest of things to do the only Dirt i had is the NSB shot me in the legs Im not sure that's enough dirt to PK someone if you ask me especially since i had no names and was blindfolded to really make sure i don't know who did it and i was also unaware of any guns on me in the first place considering i couldn't see
  5. The reason i can see your name is because the screenshot is from my staff character!
  6. Character's name & rank: Leutnant Markus Klein SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:553498916 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Gary/Youssl Explain why you were PK'd: Apparently i was Dirt PKd by the NSB without having any real dirt other than the fact they shot me in the legs while i was blindfolded which i dont think makes any sense considering the fact i didnt have any of their names nor was i even able to see who shot me in the first place so this "dirt" i have doesnt make any sense to me. Why should you be un-PK'd?: So i believe there is a couple reasons the PK should be 1. They have no real dirt on me to begin with nothing they said or done i could possibly connect to who did it the only info i have is that they are NSB and thats it 2. In the clip i was given they very clearly say right in front of me "Dirt PK" at 1:36 once in chat and once over voice right in front of me which typically voids the situation entirely anyway 3. They were stonewalling throughout the entire process trying to get me to sign an NDA they would leave me in the cell and only interact when trying to get me to sign an NDA they made no attempt at doing anything else until i said i would get a staff member involved if they were just gonna stonewall and make me sit there all night cause I refused the NDA (still cooperated on anything else including a dossier they started after i mentioned stonewalling) Additional Info : Also it was mentioned to me that part of the reason was me shit talking the NSB which i think is completely normal and okay as long as you cooperate still i gave my full cooperation the entire way through the process even tho they were stonewalling trying to get me to sign a NDA which i denied at least 5 times but other than denying that i agreed to a dossier and the agreement for that and cooperated with everything else said to me or asked of me. I still have no knowledge of any real proof i even have any dirt on them whatsoever (dont even know who did it) This is the clip that includes them talking about a Dirt PK (1:36) https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jBY8oEWpkZ-16pBlW?invite=cr-MSxib1gsMjk1NzU5OTQ4LA This is a screenshot showing i could see the Dirt PK message in chat https://ibb.co/PzmqMsKS I hope you read this and agree and we bring Markus Klein back to glorious Berlin!
  7. +1 RPd in the luft with them competent and active
  8. +1 Would be a great addition to the staff team very active and overall a good person!
  9. Let the man hit the button!
  10. +1 get this man on the staff team
  11. +1 Just bring the forest back thats all we want!

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