Your Name: Heinrich (ig Heinrich Muller)
SteamID STEAM_0:0:29153669
Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology
Which staff member banned you?: PR-N | Pennywise/Hound
How long is your ban for?: 5 Jan extended to Permanent
Why were you banned?: Rule 13 Rule 11
Why do you deserve to be unbanned?:
I fully recognize that I violated multiple rules, and I deeply regret my actions. I want to take full responsibility for my behavior and explain my regret, hoping to be considered for a second chance.
Firstly, I sincerely apologize for the use of slurs and offensive language during my time on the server. There is absolutely no excuse for my actions, and I now realize how hurtful and damaging such language can be. I should have shown more respect to everyone in the community, and I failed to uphold the standards of the server. My behavior was thoughtless, and I deeply regret causing harm or discomfort to anyone who was affected.
Secondly, I acknowledge that attempting to evade my ban by using an alternate account was an additional violation of the server's rules. Instead of accepting the consequences of my actions, I made a poor decision to try and bypass the ban. This was wrong, and I understand it only made the situation worse.
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