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  1. There was this nightclub called The Purple Pony and a bunch of my faction memberss were telling me it is a gay club and not to go, lmao.
  2. +1 Never seen it before, seems like it would be sick asf from the hype people have told me. Would also be a nice break from all the high rank campers yapping about what some homeless guy said out their front window.
  3. Character's name & rank: Stabsfeldwebel Aiden Scholz, Kaisergarde's Head NCO. Head NCO for Kaisergarde's Kroneschutz Kompanie, the Internal Security Force. Head NCO for Kaisergarde's Schnelle Kompanie, the Quick Reaction Unit. SteamID32: Steam ID: 76561199676031625 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): PN Moderator JimmyJr (CST time), PN Senior Moderator Turias (EU time) Explain why you were PK'd: Initiating a gunfight. Why should you be un-PK'd?: I died during a shootout where I did not instigate the fight nor did I start shooting first. The staff in charge of the sit claimed I shot first, which is why I was pk active, as you can see in the video I did not. Was I in a bad strategically place spot shooting there? Sure, but it's a semi serious RP video game and we're Kaisergarde. I thought I might have had my backup come over, that I've been working on recruiting these past few months, but no it was just one man with a MISSION. Ave to that soldier, if only we were all so righteous. Also if we're going to get into the irrelevant details about it the "NSB GeneralInspektor" guy came out and started picking a fight with me, talking to me condescendingly, raising his voice to me, asking me questions very fast maybe as to try and annoyingly trick me into saying something stupid, barbaric, but that's not my point right now. My point is I didn't shoot first, I didn't instigate the fight, it's a semi serious RP video game server which I followed the PK guidelines to not get PK'd. Sure put me in the hospital, blah, blah blah blah, but don't PK me for a shootout I did not start please. Additional Information: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jvLRxaSIUsYkrX-Qr?invite=cr-MSxtZnUsMTkyMjQ1NzU5LA https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jvLyetlPycx-x1I6r/k2wT43gov6tG?invite=cr-MSx6QlYsMjk1NzU5OTQ4LA Also the staff member that took the ticket JimmyJr is almost pretty much the leading commander of the VSK, with the NSB that was minge arresting me (I didn't see him in the shootout area). Conflict in interest much? Much love, Aiden Scholz Psalm 97:10: "Let those who love the Lord hate evil." Micah 6:8 in the Bible says, "He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God."
  4. Thank you for this response fam, I love the extra evidence. Chad response in my opinion. Also thank you to everyone else to everyone else that came together and spent their free time to respond to this post positively or negatively. Let's pump up the jam!!
  5. Huh???? The forest was used so much, obviously not as common as the town square, Reichstag or ICC but a close comparison would be the church for sure. It was the most used place besides any other factions spawn point. Most random comparison next to zero guy.
  6. Description of the idea: Add a giant forest back, possibly with a lake or something else in one area like a canyon or something to gather around. Maybe a small village? The river would be fun as well again, a long with the lake, dam Why should this be added?: The map is small, sure it has an enjoyable aspect to it, were all super close and personal. I find that pretty old nowadays and want a forest again. A big forest with a lot of space to do stuff in private, with my factions, maybe just drive around in. The last one was beautiful and I miss it. The caves were fun to take people in and scare them, the lake was fun to hangout at and discuss stuff, there was a river with a mountain range, a train station with warehouses, farm house, cornfield(?), air field (KG FTW), and many other aspects including another river, huge forest. In the odd hours of the night when the server population is low, we'd have a lot of people still on and kidnapping people in the forest, playing spooky music, growing drugs, and the roleplay had a lot of wars in it. Two summers ago I worked for the Kaisergarde under Brownie and Callaway as Carlos Rammstein, we had a period of time where we'd have battles that lasted for six hours, fighting the VW, NSB, Military, LAPO. LAPO would have periods of huge strength and is the LAPO almost completely irrelevant nowadays? I remember a time when the military would actually go to war with other factions when other factions would attempt to arrest their leaders. What negatives could this have?: It makes the maps bigger so the NSB might find their job actually hard to do instead of them stomping everyone out like Darla from Finding Nemo. Make Berlin more fun again. God bless. Additional information: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1LUMQibiTOesPK/spok?invite=cr-MSx0ZzMsMTkyMjQ1NzU5LA

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