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  1. MonkeyMullet

    Ban appeal

    Your Name: Brutus Dardanius SteamID Steam ID: 76561198380104983 Appeal Type: Dispute/apology Which staff member banned you?: Mr arrow How long is your ban for?: 28days Why were you banned?: LTARP, PO'S Hello, I was banned for LTAP. I thought I was within my rights to be able to leave. Before leaving I contacted an admin via a ticket and asked whether or not I would be allowed to leave (you can probably see this conversation on logs). He was rather vague and after a while said something along the lines of just "Are you in an active RP situation" to which at the time I was not currently as I was communicating with nobody and just hiding in a corner of a room. I answered no and therefore left the server. If I was in the wrong here my bad but I thought the admin was telling me that if I was not in an active RP situation I was allowed to leave? bit confused. If someone could clarify where I went wrong here, if i did, then cheers. If allowed back I will happily face whatever was waiting for me on the server be it demotion etc etc. I am sorry here just a confused dude ? as of writing this it has been like half an hour since the incident so I hope its not too late to come back from where things were just left off.
  2. Your Name: Brutus Dardanius SteamID Steam ID: 76561198380104983 Appeal Type: apology Which staff member banned you?: Cravfe How long is your ban for?: 11 months 30 days Why were you banned?: RDM, NITRP, PO's Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Hello, I believe I acted properly in the moment and gave the individual i killed multiple warnings before killing him and chances as a LaPo police officer after my officer and superior ordered him out the car at gunpoint. You cannot hear me in the clip but i was instructing the individual multiple times over to exit his vehicle and that he was at gunpoint. I told him i was giving him 5 seconds to comply (and my officer also did as you can see in chat) and he refused to still comply. Im sorry if i fucked up here and I acted wrongly or should not have shot I havent played LaPo in a fair while so im not 100% clued up on what may or may not be the right thing to do in a scenario. As he was not complying I shot however I realise maybe this was not right and despite warnings at gunpoint I should have held off. Here is my clip- https://streamable.com/3nhsg7 I hope this shows to some degree that (despite me being a total meathead with a gun) I was not trying to blatantly run up to someone and kill them without in my own head thinking I was within my rights. Sorry once again and I hope I can play on the server again and I know my incompetence does not redeem me but i'm just tryna have some fun on here and I tend to fuck up in scenarios and be a dumbass. Sorry for whatever grief I caused and I hope i can compensate however. Cheers and thank you for reading all this yap. Additional Information:
  3. Hello, I believe I acted properly in the moment and gave the individual i killed multiple warnings before killing him and chances as a LaPo police officer after my officer and superior ordered him out the car at gunpoint. You cannot hear me in the clip but i was instructing the individual multiple times over to exit his vehicle and that he was at gunpoint. I told him i was giving him 5 seconds to comply (and my officer also did as you can see in chat) and he refused to still comply. Im sorry if i fucked up here and I acted wrongly or should not have shot I havent played LaPo in a fair while so im not 100% clued up on what may or may not be the right thing to do in a scenario. As he was not complying I shot however I realise maybe this was not right and despite warnings at gunpoint I should have held off. Here is my clip- https://streamable.com/3nhsg7 I hope this shows to some degree that (despite me being a total meathead with a gun) I was not trying to blatantly run up to someone and kill them without in my own head thinking I was within my rights. Sorry once again and I hope I can play on the server again and I know my incompetence does not redeem me but i'm just tryna have some fun on here and I tend to fuck up in scenarios and be a dumbass. Sorry for whatever grief I caused and I hope i can compensate however. Cheers and thank you for reading all this yap.
  4. STEAM_0:1:209919627
  5. Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): apology Which staff member banned you?: Hound How long is your ban for?: perm Why were you banned?: LTARP, Extensive POs STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:209919627 My permanent ban was due to me negatively impacting other players experience/immersion multiple times by choosing to LTAP amongst other offences. Having had time away from the server I have had time to evaluate and see how my actions only go towards harming the playing experience of others and that it is selfish and wrong. I have had a lot of hours on this server and i'd go as far as to say in my 1000 hours it was probably my favourite server. If you could consider unperma banning me I would see that my actions are no longer foolish. Thank you for reading all this and I hope to only in the future be a force for good on this server and miss playing with my friends on here

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