Steam Name:YOMANNY
SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX):STEAM_0:0:610802105
Discord Username/ID:LoweBoy123
Time Played (check with !time): 1 week 1day 6 hours
Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted):DONATOR
Do you have a mic & will you use it?:Yes
Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: Yes
Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?:BadTrav
Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify):Gata,JimmyJr,Fidel,Loyalfanatic
Basic Information Section
IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format:
Major Theodore Schimdt I am the Commander and Chief of the Panzers, and my rank is a Major. My main duties are Mass recruiting to get numbers up and grow the military's numbers and I actively roleplaying fixing Vehicles with my men and doing patrols and interacting with other factions to rp and I also attend CO meetings on the weekends. As of right now I do certs for my men and i building the panzer to be the most ruthless brigade and strengthen the Military.
How long have you been roleplaying?: few years on various games
Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: Yes i Have
NITRP | NLR | RDM, Somone killed me so whenever I saw them on the street and I just shot him.I didn't understand the rules at the time, but now I understand how wrong this was and will not do it again.
ltarp,I was banned because I was in The BB cells and my PC crashed and got banned for LTARP
Staff Knowledge Section
What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode?
I have No Known experience, but I am thriving to learn and help make this server better and support the staff team one ticket at a time
Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]:
The reason Why I should be staff is because I am active and I know the rules good and I will help out the community even more and make it grow, I been here since last year and I want to see the staff team grow even bigger so that way tickets are always being taken on time and that no one should have to wait 1 or more minutes for their ticket to be taken, the faster the ticket being taken the better the community will have trust with us and that is what is important, having trust with some people on the team and I want to change that and help. I don't want to have to punish people when they do break the rules, but I would rather to want to help them understand them. of course, some people have to be punished. If the person has broken the rules multiple times and understands the rule and if they break it, they should be punished But I will make sure they understand them before they get punished.
As staff I know how important it is to be unbiased and remain with an objective point of view. Any decisions should not be made with any prejudice and biased opinions because it leads to unfairness and toxicity within the community. A staff member should always have evidence before making a decision because you never really know what the roleplay situation was behind it.I understand how to get across a point and know how to remain professional while in a sit.
I am a very active member within the community, and I love to roleplay and be active with other people and talk with them and have fun. I'm active usually around prime time on weekdays and pretty active on the weekends also until late hours. This will allow me to take as many tickets as I can even when there is no other staff online. I've always been put in a leadership position while on the server and that just shows that I am willing to lead and build and create a good community within the server.
What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]:I
The duties and responsibilities as staff are that you must always take tickets on time and be active because I feel like tickets are the most important thing following enforcing the rules on players. Also, should be in no clip overwatching when there are no tickets to make sure nobody is breaking the rules or exploiting. Adding on to what I said above, is that you must always be ready to explain the rules on the players so that they don't get in trouble when they do break a rule. You must be active as a staff member. Another important aspect is helping out with roleplay. This involves whitelisting people getting them in uniforms and helping them understand certain roleplay scenarios. This also involves PKing people because they need to follow the out of character rules. Helping out with things such as these lead to a better roleplay experience and help people maintain activity on the server.