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Cravfe last won the day on October 5

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  1. Knockoff count mourise
  2. Firstly insulting someone icly is not ooc whatsoever. we have no issues with saying insulting words. it is your own job to control your reactions to them. PK rule one: "Baiting people into PK situations through Out-Of-Character means." - how was this baiting out of character in any way shape or form? You don't think mental retardation was a thing back in 1942? Second pk rule: "Purposefully subjecting someone into a situation which puts them under valid PK guidelines." The person put himself in the pk situation by shooting because he cant control his emotions and resorts to trying to rdm because his poor little feelings were hurt over an insult. Third pk rule: "Not using PKs as a LAST resort." This was more than a last resort. He decided to rdm someone because his feelings got hurt. When you try and rdm someone and randomly start a gunfight and die you WILL be pk'd. Also this is last resort because instead of maybe haviung a chance at a demotion instead of a pk he decided to throw a hissy fit and leave the game when in a sit room. So since he wanted to act like a baby and throw all his hands up and cry instead of communicating like a normal member of society his chances of a demotion were thrown away right then and there. For reference the reason he was pkd was for starting a gunfight that would have been rdm and died. General rule 2: "You must have a valid RP reason to kill someone. You may shoot someone if they damage you with a weapon/vehicle. You may not shoot someone because of their physical appearance, faction or simply because they insulted you. You must give someone a verbal or text warning and allow them 10 seconds to respond before escalating the roleplay. Following this warning, you may kill them if they pull out a weapon. Do not bait someone to shoot/RDM you, and do not punch minge or initiate arguments to harass someone."
  3. Denied. VIP is required
  4. myself and my acquaintance were invited into the pantheon grounds and you kaisergarde started to question us which is fair and correct nothing wrong with that. However after so you spawned a couch in and flew your members over the fence to let yourselves in and open fire on us without even saying another word. There are ways for you to get in the pantheon grounds without prop flying over..... if we got in then you could get in too.
  5. This is your last chance with props you've had 4 previous warnings
  6. Accepted. Correct you were banned for standing on the icc and shooting people at the train station and in the road no where even near you or involved you in the slightest just killing people to kill people.

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