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Cravfe last won the day on January 4

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  1. Accepted. There's not much effort in this appeal but since youve been banned for a year ill give you the benefit of the doubt and give you another chance
  2. Cravfe

    fear rp

    Denied. This pk is valid you had no fear for your life when having guns pointed at you and being shot at, i would recommend reading the rules to learn more about these situations.
  3. Cravfe

    Fear RP

    moving to denied and will look through other appeal
  4. Denied. You opened fire on them and died, just because someone ordered this to happen doesnt make you immune from a char being killed, a more strategic way of freeing them should have occured as you knew they would fire back on you.
  5. Cravfe

    PK revoke

    Denied. You were clearly under fearrp and pulled out a gun and died
  6. Accepted. Ban has been served for 3 days it will be lifted now but stay on record
  7. Denied. We are unable to bring back deleted characters
  8. Cravfe

    My Ban appeal

    You give no reasons as to why we should actually unban you
  9. Denied. Yeah this isnt allowed please read the rules

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