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Everything posted by WalkingPlasma12

  1. Your Name: FloatingPlasma12 SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_ 76561199009672713 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute Which staff member banned you?: N/A How long is your ban for?: Perm Why were you banned?: RDM Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Hello, I'm not really sure where to put this question but I've recently made a new topic not too long ago stating my apology. It was accepted but I still am not unbanned. Was wondering if I could possibly get a time frame on how long it usually takes. Thankyou. Additional Information:
  2. Your Name: FloatingPlasma12 SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): 76561199009672713 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology Which staff member banned you?: N/A How long is your ban for?: Perm Why were you banned?: RDM Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Starting out just want to apologize, I know about 2 years ago I wasn't the greatest role player but I'm reformed. I believe I should be given another chance and make the Prometheus community proud. I've done a lot of minge back then I now know there's a time and place for everything. I'd be very thankful if you'd forgive and start a new slate with me I'm sure I can prove myself very quickly, thank you. Additional Information:
  3. Your Name: Jaydyn SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): 76561199009672713 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology Which staff member banned you?: N/A How long is your ban for?: Perm Why were you banned?: RDM Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Dear Prometheus Staff, I’m writing to ask if you would consider unbanning me from the roleplaying community. I understand why I was banned in the first place, and I fully acknowledge that my actions were out of line. Since then, I’ve taken a hard look at myself and have worked hard to grow and change. I’ve learned a lot from my mistakes and have become more mindful of how my behavior affects others. I’ve matured and I’m now more focused on creating positive, enjoyable experiences for everyone involved. I’ve always loved roleplaying as a creative outlet, and I truly believe I can be a better, more respectful member of the community now. I’d really appreciate the chance to show that I’ve changed and can contribute in a positive way. Thanks for taking the time to consider my request. Additional Information:

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