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  1. I think it would be a good idea to add a wider variety of guns for players to use both as government and civilians it would make roleplay more fun for example who doesn't wanna wield an STG44 and defend the moi from the military. theres lots of guns we should add. I personally cant see any negatives to this
  2. Larry


    Jakob I understand what your saying brother but what I’m saying is it was rp how we handled it as far as I knew it wasn’t even a big deal or else I would not of hopped off for the night from my point of view I walked into the bank where members of a temporary little gang were held up they have consistently opened fire on Lapo and nsb with no warning I walked into inside he has a Kar98k to someone’s head I pull out my gun and visual determine me and my men are threatened by him and his boys. I apologize if this isn’t seen as role play but I was doing what a realistic person in that situation would do I used my use of force properly when a suspect is threatening the life of the general public it is viable to escalate the use of force to deadly force I didn’t kill him to be a shit bag or be a prick I did it because I was putting my self in the shoes of my character trying to save an innocent dudes life
  3. Larry


    Your Name: Larry SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:181609075 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): dispute Which staff member banned you?: jakob How long is your ban for?: 7 days Why were you banned?: "RDM | Past PO's | You know better." Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: im lapo The gentleman that i murked was threatening another member of the public in the bank with a kar98k upon my entrance. I evaluated the threat and determined the threat had to die so i popped him his boys then drew their guns and in turn murked me i then hopped off for the night as i had work in 4 hours. If i would of stayed on i would not of been banned in my opinion as i could of stated the facts of the situation alongside my witnesses. As jakob said i do know better i know what is and isnt allowed ive been playing for years im not here to just merk random people for no reason i enjoy the roleplay i follow the rules as best i can. Additional Information: Thank you for reviewing my appeal

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