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Garden Gnome

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Everything posted by Garden Gnome

  1. +1 We need the great outdoors WITH THE DAM AS WELL!
  2. +1 The Frontlines would be a huge NET Positive for the server and everyone else.
  3. +1 He is a new player and deserves a second chance.
  4. Garden Gnome

    ban appeal

    It's been 2 years, that's quite a long of time passed. I would give them a chance at the very least least.
  5. First time seeing someone doing an apology on a piece of paper, in my book that shows dedication and interest to return back with a new attitude.
  6. About the Kraken. Fishermen from all around were telling a tale about an enormous beast that lurks in the fishing pond next to the Hospital. The stories were suggesting that the beast would weight over 80,000 lbs and be bigger than the Pantheon itself. Many have tried to catch it - nobody yet to succeed.
  7. Introduction Information Section Steam Name: Garden Gnome SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:41372339 Discord Username/ID: oratakopata Timezone: EU Age: 28 Time Played (check with !time): 2w 6d 15h 26m Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): Donator Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Yes Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: Yes Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: Spooks Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): Spooks Basic Information Section IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: Stabsfeldwebel Eis-Kalt Sensenmann: My main character. Was part of the Volkswatcher, transferred to the Military before the Volkswatcher got disbanded. Was serving under the previous Consul Lukas Vogel. Now my character is the Head NCO of the Heer - Royal Guard. Han Fujiwara: One of my side characters. Used to be a driver for the Japanese ambassador. Created a small illegal driving club with other car enthusiasts. Obergrenadier Thorkell Høge: Recently created. Royal Guard within the Kaiser’s Guard. Don’t have much of a plan for the future, but I do like assisting the KG when they have low numbers. Polizeiuntermeister Donald Ferdinand: My police character, I created him with the main purpose of upholding the civil law in Berlin. I also created a Speedometer “Radar” that is used for traffic regulation - I typically put it close to the bank. I do like handing tickets and dealing with all kind of situations with my LAPO colleagues. Maximilian Gustavus von Schwaben: The newest character that I made. I plan to expand more on him in the future. I plan to join the KAG and create a business of some sort or before doing so I would try to assist other KAG members with their businesses. How long have you been roleplaying?: 3+ years. Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: No Notes Bans: 2024-05-30 - 2 days - LTARP - ThirdEyeSchizo 2024-05-19 - 1 day - Pantheon Buttons | FailRP - Saito 2024-01-27 - Perma - Bye Bye | BANNED - Ich Bin Ein Brot (Appealed) 2024-01-13 - 3 days 12 hours - MRDM - lordvague (Appealed) 2023-09-16 - 3 days - LTARP - Coffee All my bans are pretty old, I consider myself fully reformed and have taken a valuable lesson from my previous offenses. Staff Knowledge Section What previous experience do you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode? - I was an ADMIN in an old retired TTT server. Swedish server. Outside of Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode I was supervising Counter-Strike, TF2 and Mordhau servers. Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]: I can assist the server with my fair judgment by not taking sides without being provided with actual proof (video recording whenever the situation requires it) and listening to both parties involved . I have learned the rules and guidelines of the server and I am capable of following them thoroughly. Based on my problem-solving and critical thinking abilities from working in real environments that requires it I am confident in my ability to resolve any problem, no matter how complex it is. Even though I work from Monday to Friday, I have an active presence on the server. I am optimistic about my capability to adapt and learn. I had previous bans and offenses. I understand that this does not reflect well on my application. I am not ashamed to show and present that I can guarantee that I have reformed, and ever since, I have been contributing to the server, whether it is by bringing new players into the server or trying to make new players enjoy their stay and turn them into regulars. If given the chance to be enlisted into the staff team, I would like to show immediate results since my philosophy is more about action than words or promises. All I ask is that I be given a chance to prove whether I would live up to your expectations and the standards the Prometheus Network Staff and Rule Book require an individual to have. I am neither the smartest nor have the most potent communication skills, but my strongest side is my ability to adapt and keep improving. There is a place for me to grow if provided with the room to do so. As a last statement, I express my gratitude for this application being reviewed by anyone interested. I’ve been on the server for more than three years now, and I would like to assist and help as much as I can if you deem me necessary to be of any use to the community. I’ve met many people while playing on the server; I consider many interesting and cool people, some even befriended, although I am not the most extroverted person. What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: In my own words, a Staff member's primary duties and responsibilities are to encompass and uphold various daily tasks that aim to create and maintain a positive environment for every participant. Enforcing Prometheus's rules and guidelines is a key factor in establishing a "fair play" environment for everyone within the community. 1. An example of this can be categorized as being proactive. By that, I mean monitoring people's interactions within the server and spectating for any behavior deviating from the rules and regulations built into the server. The Staff Member should intervene in such situations whenever required but should be careful not to ruin any active roleplay that is currently happening or active (depending on the problem). Sometimes, a minor misbehavior can be overlooked to keep the roleplay scenario or narrative going. The staff member should be well-versed in all the server's rules and be able to resolve most of the situations. If he is unsure about a particular case, he would need to ask for assistance from a Senior Member of the Staff team. For situations where the Staff member is capable of providing intervention, there are a couple of ways for him to deal with a player who is overstepping or breaking the rule book: He could verbally warn a person, create a Note (keep a record of a player based on their SteamID), The staff can also Kick a player from the server as a mild warning, Mute/Gag/Silence - used whenever a player is abusing his text/voice communication, Ban - harshest punishment - ban length varies depending on a multitude of factors - such as Previous Offences, the type of rulebreak that occurred, notes, etc. A different subject would be the Player Kill/Permanent Death of a character, which is essential for every serious roleplay server and is also being issued by a staff member. Whenever a PK is given to a person's character, they are locked off using it for the future unless it's a timed PK. The only way for someone to regain access to their character once PKed is for them to receive approval on the forums and the response must be made within 72 hours of the issued PK. There are different criteria for a PK to be issued, and many regulations prevent PKs from protecting users from power gaming PKs or metagaming. A Staff member is making authorization for a PK, and their rank must match the rank of the player's character. 2. Resolving Conflicts - Whenever I had any administrative functions in other video games, I always tried to resolve conflicts between players by using words. The key point in this section is for the Staff Member to understand and filter out information given to him via players. I like to hear both sides if that is the case before passing judgment or making a final decision and collecting proof (video recordings, screenshots). I would still listen to the side of their story for single rulebreakers. Still, in most cases, those kinds of rulebreakers are either A: Monitored by a Staff and seen breaking the server guidelines, which would not require further proof, but you always need to have a conversation with the person to understand why they did it since sometimes there might be accidental rulebreakers. B: They were reported by one or more people, and if it is the latter, I would collect logs and further investigate by asking for more details and proof on the matter from the accuser's side. 3. Assisting the player base - Since I've been on the server for more than 3 years, I've familiarized myself with the rules and regulations of Prometheus Network and learned quite a lot about tricks and tips that would assist newcomers. Even without being an ADMIN, I would gladly help anyone who needs support or guidance. I would present them with detailed information, whether that is some game mechanic, general question, or point of inquiry that would require either game knowledge - gameplay, settings, etc. or question about our community, how to find our forums, donate, or to be provided with our official discord servers. 4. Promoting a friendly and positive environment—I consider this a cornerstone of any community. Respecting everyone and trying to help others as much as possible is self-explanatory to maintain a strong and interested community that will last for the future. Otherwise, people would feel unwelcome or unwanted, and logically, they would find a different place to reside. P.S Thank you for reviewing my application, whatever the answer would be I am happy that someone is taking their time of providing an answer. I am opened to constructive criticism.

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