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  1. Gucek

    Ban Appeal

    Your Name: gucekpl SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:153915557 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology Which staff member banned you?: I dont know How long is your ban for? 7days/ and now perm Why were you banned?: MRDM LTAP and now alt account Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Hello, I apologize in advance for mrdm, it was supposed to be an action of a raid on a soldiers base, then I died during the shooting and left the server to sleep. No admin moved me, and I left the server. I really want a faster unban because I would like to play today if I could, or tomorrow. I love your server and I apologize again Additional Information: If I knew I was supposed to stay and some admin would transfer me, I would have explained myself on the spot, but today I enter the server and I can't because of the ban, and I really went to sleep I feel the need to play on your server as soon as possible, I'm very sorry! Edi: I tried to log in with my second steam account and I got a perm on two accounts, I didn't know you couldn't do that, I'm very sorry, now I feel stupid, and I would ask for the ban to be lifted. I swear it won't happen again. I only want the unban on this account
  2. Steam Name: gucekpl SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:11101 Discord Username/ID: gucek4523 Time Played (check with !time): 5H (only that I played on the previous version of the server and there I lost a lot of time proof is, for example, this video) Basic Information Section Name of Organization: Polish resistance movement (PRM), or in polish Polski ruch oporu (PRO) Number of Members (Minimum of 5, could expand): 7 (Steam name: Bump IC:grzegorz brzęczyszczykiewicz) (Steam name: gucekpl IC: Edek Kowalski) (Steam name: Krejwas IC:Krzysiek Pszczyński) (Steam name: Cyrann IC:Sebastian Fereniec) (Steam name:kai IC: Maciej Żołądek) (Steam name: DeeQ IC:Rafał Mateja) (Steam name: filet IC:I don't remember :/) Type Of Organization (Family, Enterprise, Gang, etc): Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Japanese, German, etc): Poland Why should your organization be accepted? [100 words or more]: It seems to me that this is a great idea for developing the plot and content. I haven't seen a foreign group on the server that would create something like this, and we've been playing since the previous edition of the server, even creating clips from your server on YouTube. We intend to develop our resistance movement, make life miserable for Nazis, make various role-playing scenes such as hostages of Nazis for ransom. Various raids on bases or other Nazi locations, we don't want to kill ordinary players, i.e. civilians, but soldiers and fight them. We try to speak English, but we will also speak Polish for better immersion. Our organization doesn't require too much, we currently earn on drugs or legal work. Here I'm posting a link from the previous edition of the server of our organization clip, it was 2 years ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-EiqM9vyd8&t=45s&ab_channel=GucekakaGocha Provide an example of the unique roleplay your organization will bring to the server: as I wrote above we intend to hold hostages from the army, to carry out the underground life of the Polish state in Berlin, a general resistance movement that intends to neutralize soldiers from Germany, in the near future maybe a secret agent in the German army, to persuade other players to wage war in Berlin against the Nazis. we have many ideas. it happened on the server now that we dragged Nazis to a restaurant by the hospital where there is a safe under the pretext that our friend had locked himself in it, then I would get out of the safe and execute a Nazi What is the backstory of your organization? [200 words or more]: During the outbreak of World War II, 5 friends living in a village near the German border, during the terrible day of September 1, 1939, are drafted into the army, where without any chance on the front line near Poznań fighting the Nazis, they decide to hide and wait out the front lines. They manage to get to Germany where they rob civilians in the countryside of their documents and clothes, then decide to get to the very heart of Berlin where they want to try to survive. Unfortunately, when they get to Berlin, a certain SS soldier who wanted to ID one of the friends (Krzysiek Pszczyński) discovers that the documents are not his. At that time (Edek Kowalski) who was nearby decides to hit the Nazi in the head with a stone, which he succeeded in doing and a fight with the Nazi began, who knocked out 4 of Edek Kowalski's teeth. Then Krzysiek manages to pull the Nazi's gun from behind and kill him in the back of the head. At that moment, two Polish citizens managed to kill the Nazi in Berlin and escape. After all this, 5 Poles met and decided to establish the Polish Resistance Movement (PRO). With the first weapon they got rid of two more Nazis which gave them another assortment for the rest, from now on they hide in the sewers and lead a secret life in Berlin...

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