Character's name & rank: Frank Walter Steinmeier, Major
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:552693746
Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Prime probably
Explain why you were PK'd: The reason given for my PK was "UA approval and Grief." The situation unfolded as follows:
I was arrested by NSB-Hauptkommissar Joachim Begner after he ran me over with a car and dragged me to the MOI. During my interrogation, I answered his questions until Oberst Wilhelm Keppler entered the room. He accused me of deserting the KG, which I neither confirmed nor denied. Instead, I insisted on having a court trial. After making that clear, they offered me the chance to return to the KG and rejoin their organization, which I declined. I reiterated my request for a court trial. I was then told we would wait for a judge. After some time, Keppler and Begner left the room to speak privately. When they returned, they informed me that they had to release me. As I was leaving the MOI, they killed me, resulting in my PK.
Why should you be un-PK'd?: Firstly, the reason "Grief" does not make sense in this context. Grief is defined as "being killed by another player due to causing severe harm or grief to their character." However, I did nothing to harm their characters—simply leaving a faction does not constitute griefing. Secondly, PKs should always be a last resort, which was not the case here. A court trial was a viable option and should have been pursued instead of resorting to a PK. I was actively requesting a fair trial, which was entirely within reason. Instead of following proper procedures, they chose to kill me, which I believe was unjust.
Additional Information: None