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Norm Fiklestein

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Everything posted by Norm Fiklestein

  1. Yes you are right that I made a thinly veiled threat after he shot me. That is roleplay. That is what most people do after someone attacks them. If I was ruleplaying in this scenerio why did I threaten him? Wouldnt the clearest way out just be to speak as little as possible? Nevertheless the original point stands. If all it takes for a dirt PK is for someone to have compromising information on you, then what is stopping factions on the server to attack their prisoners and when their prisoners predictably respond, then use that response to PK them. That is what happened to me and is obviously not in the spirit for what the rule was intended as. PKs are meant to be a serious thing that is why they require approval from staff. Is the bar for a serious thing like a PK truly a one sentence response to a guy roleplaying as a "psycho".
  2. Character's name & rank: Norm Fiklestein, Hauptkommissar SteamID32: 76561199028315499 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Whoreson I think or maybe Ich Bin. Explain why you were PK'd: During the engagement between the military and the MOI at the bank checkpoint I was arrested. I was taken to the military cells and interrogated. The interrogation lasted for about two hours from 630 EST to 830 EST. At around 830, I was put into cells with a bunch of other people and we began to talk for a bit and loosen up. After joking around for a while another military member (Ich Bin) came into the room and grabbed my character brought him to a side area and shot me twice. I then asked for his name because I was going to make a witness report about this. I am then brought upstairs where I meet two other military members and one goes on this speech about me threating him he ends the speech asking me if I am stupid. I think this is a rhetorical comment so I don't really respond at first then type "so" after there is a long pause. One character then says hes goo to have at me then the other two leave and then I am shot and PK'd. Why should you be un-PK'd?: I am being PK'd for rule number 6 which is a "dirt PK". I think my PK goes against the spirit of this rule. To me this rule is when someone has some compromising photo of someone doing something illegal, a document that could get them in trouble or maybe they overheard an something illegal being planned. For a dirt PK, I had and still have zero tangible evidence/blackmail. All my "dirt" was that a guy took me to a room alone and then shot me. Additional Information: Like I said in my previous statement I think that this PK goes against the sprit of the dirt PK rule. If that is all it takes for a dirt PK, then why don't factions like the NSB just beat their prisoners and eventually when the prisoners respond to their beatings you PK them for "having dirt on you". Also I would like to thank Coffee and Ich Bin. I am very grateful to Coffee for spending the half an hour with me to explain the whole situation and everything. I have never been PK'd and I cant think of a time I have PK'd someone. So all of this was very new to me. Also I am thankful to Ich Bin. Even though he was the one who initiated the PK against me, he still respectfully sat in the sit with Coffee and I too explain his side of the story when he definitely did not have too. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jyE0h3kAU3n0JOzhr?invite=cr-MSxZaTksMzI4NjY5NDAwLA - Here is the link to the moment I was actually PK'd. In the clip you can see the weird pause after his speech and then me typing "so". It was not my intention to minge or not engage in roleplay. I just thought it was a rhetorical question and was confused about the awkward silence. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jyFLji4Wl-JYuG4QM?invite=cr-MSxRT24sMzI4NjY5NDAwLA - This clip is the moment when I was shot. At the halfway mark in the clip I make a joking remark to the guy entering the cell. Again this was not me trying to minge or not engage in roleplay. Me an those other people had just spent the last 10 minutes joking around in the cell

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