Your Name: Shorbul Ma Husna
Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology
Which staff member banned you?: Lentz
How long is your ban for?: 3 days
Why were you banned?: Rdm
Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Becaouse it was a missunderstanding the guy who rdmed my friend stood with another guy which i thought would kill me after shooting his friend and to make it clear i was ready to be shot because thats how it usally go down now i know i did wrong and i could have made a scenario out of it and i see it now beoucse i was just mad for being banned in 3 days for rdm while other people get warned but i get the situation and i will keep it in mind for the rest of my playtime on promethus roleplay
Additional Information: Ye and also the admin was talking about something with auswhitz which is not true i was only saying that there were a server called auswhitz rp long time ago and i wonder what that server was on about so to add the fact that he told me that i have been speaking about aushwitz is pure bullshit and not to say the fact that i have a clip of an admin that was gonna ban a dude for 1 month and still didnt do it even if he rdm x3 on the same hour thank you