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Niko's perma appeal


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Your Name: Niko

SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): 


Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute):  Dispute

Which staff member banned you?: Vixx

How long is your ban for?: perm

Why were you banned?: Vdm nitrp and po

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?:  So maybe a day or two ago I got fairly banned yknow I broke rule and I got banned whatever, but it said 4 days and im fine with that and now that I look back at the bans because I was just looking at my old bans, I see that its permanent. Now I want to say again that I think I was fairly banned, it was completely my fault that I vdm'ed those people but my thing is I don't understand now why it is permanent, if you could fill me in on why and maybe see if you can shorten the ban at all cause truly I do like this server and I don't wanna be banned forever. Thank you.

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Before any ua comments on this, im curious would this count as a ban appeal, because im not appealing my ban im really just appealing my ban length


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Your Ban Appeal has already been DENIED


You are going to be banned from the forums if you do not stop. You are continually lying and harassing people to unban you - you used an ALT Account to attempt to play on the server so the console has Permanently Banned you. Please follow the forum and category guidelines. 

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well im just curious on if my main account can get unbanned

i feel I should not be perm banned on my main, it says its on my main and I forgive you if its a bug with the site and it just says that because it was an alt

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and another thing, im not trying to get unbanned, im just trying to get it shortened because its now permanent


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so once again, im sorry for being a little annoying piece of shit on the forums i just didnt know the specifics in the rules

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48 minutes ago, Niko1226 said:

but my thing is I don't understand now why it is permanent

You don't understand why it was permanent? I'm sure it told you that you were permanently banned when you tried to evade with an alternate account.

Your appeal is denied. You may submit another appeal in no less than 30 days with a sufficient apology for ban evading.

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