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flag appeal


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Name: fam (Reinhardt von Degenhardt)

SteamID32: 76561199200867305

Staff Member who issued the Flag Blacklist: I do not remember the name but has two words in a name, probably starts with a D

Explain why your flags were blacklisted: I had a note on me before few days ago for intentional propkilling and today, I was eventually blacklisted for proppushing a vehicle.

Explain why your flags should be unblacklisted: First, I would like to sincerely apologize for my actions. I understand it wasn't use for the purpose of minging and used only for rp environment and situations. I have a bit of anger issues and I started using props to gain my advantage during rp situation. Sounds like a terrible excuse, but I actually do have them and I will try to improve on my self-control. I do not wish to receive an immediate whitelist for my pet flags; however, if it's possible, I do wish to be blacklisted from my privileges for 1-2 weeks if that's a fair appropriate time for punishment. Once again, my apologies.

Additional Information: None

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Hello there! Thank you for using the forums!

I am the staff member who took your PET Flags. I decided to take action because you used your physics gun to fling a truck, which destroyed a car and knocked over an NSB agent. As a result, the agent filed a report against you. Upon reviewing your notes, I noticed that you already had a previous note for prop abuse given to you two days ago at the time. You understood that your actions were in violation of the rules, but you still decided to go ahead with them. 

After discussing the situation with a staff member who is senior to me, we agreed to revoke your PET Flags. 

Here is a clip of you abusing your Flags:


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Yes, I understand of what I did was absurd and I did not take things seriously. Being angry after someone doing things that's provoking. It was a stupid excuse and I again do apologize.

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I'll accept your apology as it seems genuine but as a consequence for misusing your pet flags they will be blacklisted for one week.

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