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I got wrongly banned.


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Your Name:  Fredrich Reinhardt

SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): 76561199234713515 (not able to get the steam_0X:XXX Type)

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute):  Dispute

Which staff member banned you?: No staff name just a rp name named astor.

How long is your ban for?:  3 days

Why were you banned?: MRDM

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?:  During the even that followed i asked my Command (NCO at the time of the arresting of a LT) If i sould open fire they had told me to OPEN FIRE ON NSB. SO without a draw i followed the command given and shot a the NSB and opened fired. i was then brought into the sky not even to a Box to talk about the event that had just happened just mind you is a fail on the staff team. Staff should have been able to talk to me and ask me what happened to WHY I SHOOT but i instead the staff said i was lying and banned me. This even was caused bya  simple mistake within the Jeldjagers DUE TO THERE BEING NO OFFICER THERE. An NCO too charge and order to open fired which i had done and yes the old saying is you don't always have to follow orders Well its PN you can get arrested for not following th4e little of orders so mind you the track reactor of the feldjager and their orders are not the best.

Additional Information:  I was following the orders from my NCo i wasnt trying to cause a issue in the server. Like mate i bought a 80 dollar rank pass why would i of all people wanna start crap in the server.

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6 minutes ago, ghostmwus1945 said:

During the even that followed i asked my Command (NCO at the time of the arresting of a LT) If i sould open fire they had told me to OPEN FIRE ON NSB. SO without a draw i followed the command given and shot a the NSB and opened fired.

Just because someone tells you to shoot someone else doesn't mean you're allowed to shoot them. This is still RDM.



i was then brought into the sky not even to a Box to talk about the event that had just happened just mind you is a fail on the staff team.

The individual who brought you to a sit is a member of Upper Administration, and does not need to bring you to a specific part of the map to punish you.

I'll wait for the person who banned you to make a comment before a decision is reached.

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I didn't know who it was. But thats messed up tho i wasnt even trying to rdm or mess up rp.


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