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Bring back The Forest


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On 1/9/2025 at 11:58 PM, Major Whoreson said:

Except none of these things ever happened. You guys are pretending like we didn't spend 8 years with it. You can't just say "OMG IF WE HAD DA FORWEST XYZ WOULD HAPPEN SO COOL!"


We know all of these "epic" RP occurences won't happen. You guys won't do them. We have almost a decade of evidence to prove you guys won't do them. If a map update ever comes back around I may look into it, but don't hold your breath. The forest saw less than 10% of the maps usage despite taking up 30% of the assets. Terrible value.

MR whoreson if the forest comes back make me the forests big foot 

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The forest would be very useful for police/car chases again. 

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On 1/9/2025 at 1:58 PM, Major Whoreson said:

Except none of these things ever happened. You guys are pretending like we didn't spend 8 years with it. You can't just say "OMG IF WE HAD DA FORWEST XYZ WOULD HAPPEN SO COOL!"


We know all of these "epic" RP occurences won't happen. You guys won't do them. We have almost a decade of evidence to prove you guys won't do them. If a map update ever comes back around I may look into it, but don't hold your breath. The forest saw less than 10% of the maps usage despite taking up 30% of the assets. Terrible value.

We can make them happen. People have been talking about this for ages,  It seems like there are alot of people that are more than willing to set up these events.

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  • 3 weeks later...

+1 We need the great outdoors WITH THE DAM AS WELL!

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