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Ban apology


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Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): apology

Which staff member banned you?: Hound

How long is your ban for?:  perm

Why were you banned?: LTARP, Extensive POs

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:209919627

My permanent ban was due to me negatively impacting other players experience/immersion multiple times by choosing to LTAP amongst other offences. Having had time away from the server I have had time to evaluate and see how my actions only go towards harming the playing experience of others and that it is selfish and wrong. I have had a lot of hours on this server and i'd go as far as to say in my 1000 hours it was probably my favourite server. If you could consider unperma banning me I would see that my actions are no longer foolish. Thank you for reading all this and I hope to only in the future be a force for good on this server and miss playing with my friends  on here

Edited by MonkeyMullet
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Further infractions will result in less leniency for future appeals.  

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