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Akiva Goldberg


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Character's name & rank: oberinspektor  Akiva Goldberg(MOJ)

SteamID32: 76561198808552443

Staff member who issued the PK: SlickB

Explain why you were PK'd: after last nights cabinet, when everyone was leaving, knowing i was about to get off for the night, i ran in and said a pretty immature line: "where is the minister of edging." At which point i switched characters and forgot about it, around 5 mins later right before i was about to leave for the night, im teleported back into the RS and told i fucked up or something at which point he asks if he should kill the character that i mentioned edging on. Being pretty tired i accepted thinking that he is just talking or whatever, instead he changes his mind and says "im just gonna make you take a break for an hour", resulting in me being banned for an hour, however when i return, i find that my character has been killed anyway despite him saying hes only gonna ban me.

Why should you be un-PK'd?: I believe i shouldnt be judged based on one fuck up on my otherwise good character, i understand that i should always be in character and to never bring up brainrot and retardation around other people in character as it ruins the atmosphere and roleplay of people around. now that i know how serious it is to attempt comedy when it is not appropriate, i feel that my character should be allowed to be given one more chance at life as i promise to not make the same mistake again, as trying to LTAP or LTARP. I regret my actions and im sorry.

Additional Information: sorry slickb

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1 hour ago, moody said:

SteamID32: 76561198808552443

This is not a SteamID32.

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14 minutes ago, Hound said:

This is not a SteamID32.


i believe this is it

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15 minutes ago, moody said:


i believe this is it

No. It begins with STEAM_0:

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5 minutes ago, Hound said:

No. It begins with STEAM_0:


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I ordered your arrest on my interior minister character for saying where is the ministry of edging, but you ran away and swapped to a different character. When I teleported you back, I told you to get back on your original character or it would be deleted. You responded "It's an old character anyway I don't care what happens to it".

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This PK was fair and justified.

You made a mistake, were given a chance to correct the mistake by a member of staff, and decided not to.

This PK is the punishment for your rule break / mistake, and this was completely in your own hands this was your decision.

The best thing you can do is learn from this situation so you do not make the same mistakes in the future.

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