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Robert Paterek's Ban Appeal


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Your Name: Robert Paterek 

SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:556273163

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology

Which staff member banned you?: Turais

How long is your ban for?: 5 days

Why were you banned?: RDM, past PO's, involvement with minges

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I will briefly explain what happened prior my ban - a guy was in a car, some important custom model. I proceeded to take the car rode off a bit. I drove back to the original place and got out the car. the guy who was in the car then went into the drivers seat and started to escape while 2 minges screamed Adolf Hitler because he had the facial hair. I proceeded to shoot the tires and accidently killed the guy, sure that's still RDM and I take full responsibility for that and I apologised to him in the sit. But then I got pulled into the sit and that's where it becomes messy. Not even looking at my chars or anything goes straight to my PO's and uses that against me and also thinking the two minges who were screaming Hitler were my friends which weren't at all I bumped into them in the streets outside the ICC compound and train station. Also please note they were punch minging earlier and during the incident which I was involved in. I also understand the past PO's look bad and I have learned from those mistakes and I was younger, more stupid, careless and wasn't much on the RP as I am now much stronger with it and would like to carry on with the RP despite my past and this offence.  I do believe my last PO was MONTHS ago, I'm not 100% because I cannot check myself. I tried to explain the story to them and explain what had happened and the fact I wasn't involved with the minges but they weren't and they laughed and didn't believe me at all.

With that being said I believe my ban sentence should be either shortened or even revoked as I basically only did the RDM part of this story which can be noted as accidental RDM. I wasn't at all involved with the two minges screaming that name at the guy just for having the same facial hair. I will again apologise for the RDM to the guy I killed on accident whether he sees this or not. I hope you understand the situation a little better.

Additional Information: N/A

Edited by dlggrif
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Hello! I'm the staff member that issued the ban,


First of all I thought I made it extremely clear the reason of your ban is because you committed RDM and the massive amount of Previous Offenses you had, your ban has nothing to do with you being involved with the minges, you blantly committed RDM and due to you having so many previous offenses I saw the 5 day ban as a disciplinary action that was needed.

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This ban will remain on your record.

But for next time be more cautious when shooting at other players.

You should not be shooting at other players or their vehicles if they are minging / breaking the server rules that's when you make a ticket and let staff handle the situation.

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