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Henry Kuhbier


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Character's name & rank: Oberfeldwebel Henry Kuhbier

SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:560410177

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Nope

Explain why you were PK'd:  I wasn't told the reason apart from it being a grief PK

Why should you be un-PK'd?: I don't know anything in detail, all I know is that it was a grief PK and I don't believe I did anything that constitutes grief

Additional Information: N/A

Edited by seqelb
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  • seqelb changed the title to Henry Kuhbier

You stated the NSB killed the Interior Minister, then afterwards signed a document proclaiming as such. 


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You also went around kidnapping police officers just to steal their uniforms as well.

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2 hours ago, Slickb said:

You also went around kidnapping police officers just to steal their uniforms as well.

didn't kidnapp police officers myself. Detaining them for trespassing etc sure.. 

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2 hours ago, Browniemeister said:

You stated the NSB killed the Interior Minister, then afterwards signed a document proclaiming as such. 


Okay but that was public knowledge at the time? Like more than one person had seen it. I can see how that would be a grief PK if I was the only one to see it but not when it was half the server

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Unless I got my story wrong or my memory serves me poorly which at that point I can see how that is

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From the evidence I was provided this PK was justified.

The PK guidelines you fell under was "on approval of UA+" and "being killed by another player due to causing severe harm or grief to their character".

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