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Anarky's ban appeal


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Your Name: Anarky

SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:52808359

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute

Which staff member banned you?: Fidel

How long is your ban for?: 3 days

Why were you banned?: RDM

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: While I was playing on my favorite 1942 RP server, I went into the reichstagg after a huge civil war and tried to go see the president. While i was walking in I got swarmed by OKL and the kaiserguarde and they tried tying me up with their guns out. I then pulled out my MP40 and started shooting where I unfortunantely died to getting shot. AFTER I killed two members of the KG. I understand  having my character PKed. Me breaking fearrp should not result in me getting a ban whatsoever. I was not given a clip to the incident whatsoever or spoken to prior to my banning. Just a straight up ban. even then I do not think a ban for 3 days was valid.

Additional Information: Thank you for taking the time to read my ban appeal

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you forgot to mention the other 2 grenadiers you (entirely unprovoked) open fired on outside the ICC front gate. aside from that , based on your library of prior offenses , and your complete lack of situational awareness during our two encounters . I felt 3 days was not only necessary, but definitely a lighter punishment then other staff would have given you. I do apologize for not interacting with you before I made the ban, with the situation with the president I felt I had to act quickly, and that is something I am working on . to add on , your character most definitely should have been PKd on top of the ban but I decided to give you more of a break then I already was.  however this ban was more then justified from my perspective.

Edited by fidel
  • Chad 1
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if you are talking about the two people who tried to detain me with their weapons pointed at me then yes i did shoot them. They both pulled weapons on me and tried to tie me which i responded with shooting them for doing so. If you have a clip of me shooting them unprovoked please show a clip of me doing so. You gave me no room to defend myself or even ask why I did shoot them. You could be refering to the groud of kaiserguarde who were actively raiding the ICC which my response of shooting them was totally justifiable. Either way, I have not seen a clip of me killing anyone unprovoked and if you do have a clip of it I would be more than happy to take a look of it.

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