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Averagejoes Ban Appeal


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Your Name: AverageJoe

SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): 76561199228360798

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology/Dispute?

Which staff member banned you?: PR-N Pennywise

How long is your ban for?: 2 days (Originally) now 1day

Why were you banned?: RDM

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: well i would dispute my ban but it seems like its just until tomorrow, soo it makes little to no point to dispute it. If my apology were to be "Substantial" maybe i could be unbanned today instead of tommorow, If not then it is what it is, But i did want to apologize for gunning down that poor Kommisar in the street, the man was clearly doing his job by pointing a gun at a innocent civilian and i stood Infront of that by shooting him in the back of his head. I was simply trying to help a civilian as the guy didn't do anything to excuse having a gun pointed at him in the first place, but i can understand why the Kommisar felt threatened seeing he was the only LaPo in the server AT THAT TIME so i would like to apologize for Lincolning him.

Additional Information: I can see where my ban comes from as it did count as RDM, but i believed at the moment that if a civilian is innocent and a LaPo is pointing a gun at him that excuses me shooting him since hes "Abusing" his powers as a officer.

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  On 1/13/2025 at 4:53 PM, AverageJoe said:

SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): 76561199228360798


How do people still manage to answer this incorrectly?

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Well he was aiming the gun but you also don't know if there was a rp situation you still had no right just to shoot him but If I can unbann you I will 


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This ban has now expired but I would have accepted it as your apology seems genuine.

For next time actually try and escalate the situation properly and figure out the context of the situation before making a decision such as shooting someone in the head without knowing whats actually going on.

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