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pk apeal NSB hens stein

heinz stien

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Character's name & rank: NSB hens stein

SteamID32: 76561199790709060

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): i do not know it happend while i was asleep

Explain why you were PK'd: i am new ind joined 3 days ago and i do not know what fear rp is so i ran while the bsk i think were pointing guns at me

Why should you be un-PK'd?: i am new and wish to have a second chance i will follow the rules as best i can

Additional Information: i was pkd while i was asleep and was not called to a sit

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From looking at the clip of the situation which led to you getting PK'd I do think that the players who were trying to arrest you were too quick to gun you down and did not try and escalate the situation properly as they just resorted to gunning you down when they could have very easily just arrested you as they heavily outnumbered you and were right next to you.

Now to explain fear RP if you're held under gunpoint by another player that would mean you're under fear rp which would mean you must value your character’s life. This also means that you naturally do not want your character to die and you would comply with the demmands of the players who have you under fear RP. Now you can choose not to follow fear RP as it's not against the server rules but if you die while not following fear RP you will be subject to the PK guideline "Being killed while not abiding by Fear-RP" which would mean your character gets banned / PK'd.

For future refrence your steam ID is STEAM_0:0:915221666.

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