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Ban Rdm/PO's


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Your Name: Samas


Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology

Which staff member banned you?: Kolfish

How long is your ban for?: 3 Days

Why were you banned?: RDM/PO's

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I deeply regret my actions, as they were not only disruptive but also in violation of the established rules and etiquette of the server. It was never my intention to detract from the immersive experience or cause distress to fellow players. Upon reflection, I recognize the gravity of my actions and the impact they may have had on the community. I take full responsibility for my behavior and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience, frustration.


With this in mind, I humbly request your consideration in reevaluating the ban placed on my account. I am determined to demonstrate improved conduct and accountability moving forward, ensuring that similar incidents do not occur again.


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