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Character PK Appeal (Lonnie Thomas)


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Character's name & rank: Lonnie Thomas, 

SteamID32: Steam_0:1:93957133

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know):  i believe it was coca-cola man i really dont know

Explain why you were PK'd: Fearrp, the only reason why i pulled out a gun is because i was scared and didnt what to do at the point. So what happened was i went to the car dealer and then two civis with pistols come up to me, pointed at guns and i was just defending myself, so i went back to buy a car and then came to rob me again so i started to punch them. I am sorry i have worked really hard on that char and i dont want redo it again thank you for letting appeal.

Why should you be un-PK'd?: Because i had really worked on that char and im too upset to redo it again, i am really sorry for doing fearrp, i was only scared the only way i knew is to defend myself.

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Hey bud, You were under gunpoint for more than 10 seconds, more than enough time to react. Im sorry you worked hard on the character, but the guidelines specifically state why you were Pk'd. You refused to stop moving while being under gunpoint for more than 10 seconds and then started a fistfight, which is grounds for a PK.

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37 minutes ago, Coca-Cola man said:

Hey bud, You were under gunpoint for more than 10 seconds, more than enough time to react. Im sorry you worked hard on the character, but the guidelines specifically state why you were Pk'd. You refused to stop moving while being under gunpoint for more than 10 seconds and then started a fistfight, which is grounds for a PK.

i didnt really hear because when i look away there voices fade away, so im sorry if they told me to stop moving

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i dont know how to fix that


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38 minutes ago, picklejuice78 said:

i dont know how to fix that


All good bro, just keep trying to reset settings and check steam audio settings

if not then maybe youtube or google will help you out.


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4 minutes ago, Coca-Cola man said:



alright i will tried to fix it tmr


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From the clip I was provided about this situation you very clearly chose not to abide by fear RP.

You were held under gunpoint by two people and was told to stop moving and you were warned if you did move you were going to get shot and then you started punching them and then you were shot.

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