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banned for RP

Umami 自殺

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Your Name: Martin Steinberg

SteamID STEAM_0:0:20345479

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute

Which staff member banned you?:  Gary

How long is your ban for?:  2 weeks

Why were you banned?:  NITRP | Minge

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: There was a high class court trial happening when I was approached on the streets by 3 men in navy blue police uniforms with the description "Deputy Sheriff of Berlin, has a strange polish accent." They asked me to come with them and told me to follow them or they would kill me. They led me through the PD and instructed me what to do in order to live. They told me I will need to run into the court trial in order to live, so they led me through the 2 security guards, and let me inside. There I ran inside doing as they asked, where I was immediately frozen by an admin and banned for NITRP | Minge (2 weeks).

Additional Information: N/A

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This was  the second time during the trial you did this. I dont believe your story at all.

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