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[UNBAN-REQUEST] First Time Offender


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Your Name:  zweytausend

Steam ID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:926909191

Appeal Type:  DISPUTE

Which staff member banned you?: PR-N | Pennywise

How long is your ban for?: 1 Day

Why were you banned?: RDM

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: 


> I had not realize my microphone was not recorded on the clips, this may have caused confusion regarding my intent in this case and I have resolved this issue to ensure it won't happen again. While it is visible in the bottom right that I have been speaking I understand that might be seen as insufficient.

Its still unknown to me if I got banned for the first, second or both kills.


[EV1] The 'Old Man of Hyperborean decent' decided to enter the ICC compound to complete work he supposedly had to do there, while chatting with my fellow Feldjägers he decided to tie up my Leutnant without any RP reason to do so. Cuffing a Leutnant while on a ladder in a secured military base with multiple soldiers around doesn't feel like proper RP in my mind. We decided to put the old man under gunpoint as means to intimidate him with our superior firepower. In a complete disregard for his life he decided to make a run for it and subsequently got gunned down atop the ICC.

[EV2] When he returned not even two minutes later I decided to put him under gunpoint again, verbally ordering him to stop while he was still on the ladder, he then ran around a corner but I wasn't able to react in time to him saying: 'I stopped, I stopped, I stopped.' and shot him for a second time. 

[EV3] I tried to argue my case against this individual in a sit, providing the evidence I put in the 'Additional Information' section. The old man started reciting something in Germany and promptly after I was banned without any explanation of what lead to him choosing a ban over a note or a warning or an explanation of where I could appeal this. I do not wish to lecture Pennywise about his judgement but I feel like the end of this sit was done in an improper way.


The entire situation ended to abruptly and I was prepared to discuss the situation further and potentially better my understanding of the server rules, this has left me without the opportunity to acknowledge my potential mistake or correct my behavior which is what bans are for. Detailed Feedback for further clarification by Pennywise would be greatly appreciated, I asked in the main Discord if I could message you but you haven't responded yet. I also want to make it clear that I am not challenging the authority of Pennywise here but rather wish gain a better understanding of what went wrong.


While the ban is short and I wouldn't have any issues waiting it out I haven't heard proper reasoning after submitting the evidence on my part and thus decided to take this route to potentially get it off the record.

[EV1] https://medal.tv/de/games/garrys-mod/clips/jvmc3mn54HO0-9BiF?invite=cr-MSw3TDMsMjA4NzE1NjAyLA
[EV2] https://medal.tv/de/games/garrys-mod/clips/jvmc3mn54HO0-9BiF/qK9g8PshDWkZ?invite=cr-MSw3TDMsMjA4NzE1NjAyLA

[EV3] https://medal.tv/de/games/garrys-mod/clips/jvmnWf2hdIBxoMcMP/wWWNefueyxIi?invite=cr-MSxINmksMjA4NzE1NjAyLA


I recognize I could've handled this whole situation better by trying to arrest him properly, yet stand by that in a scenario like this a lot of people would probably have reacted in the same way I have. Armed Statesman cuffing a Commisioned Officer and running away while guns are pointed at him, returning less than two minutes later and running away again...it was questionable RP in my mind. I strive to engage in fun, accurate and meaningful roleplay and to contribute to an enjoyable experience for players.


I look forward to continuing to participate in it and thank you for reviewing this appeal. Let me know if you need any additional information.




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In this case It was rdm and u could of have given him orders to leave instead of shooting him or you could have detained him instead of shooting him 

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From the clip you provided it just shows you blantantly rdming the civilian inside the ICC.

Read General rule 1: You must have a valid RP reason to kill someone. You may shoot someone if they damage you with a weapon/vehicle. You may not shoot someone because of their physical appearance, faction or simply because they insulted you. You must give someone a verbal or text warning and allow them 10 seconds to respond before escalating the roleplay. Following this warning, you may kill them if they pull out a weapon. Do not bait someone to shoot/RDM you, and do not punch minge or initiate arguments to harass someone.

You did not even attempt to arrest the civilian, figure out who they were and why they were in the ICC and the civilian even stood still and was not posing a threat to you or anyone else at all yet you still just gunned him down which is just blatant RDM.

You made no attempt to roleplay out the situation here so the ban will remain.

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