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ban appeal


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Your Name: Pun Gun

SteamID STEAM_0:0:634759308

Appeal Type (Apology)

Which staff member banned you?:  I forgot

How long is your ban for?:  Forever

Why were you banned?:  Global Rule 

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?:  Hello Prom, It has been a while sense I joined back. I have been banned for two years and as long as I can remember I did not know why I was banned. But I just wanted 

to say that I am sorry for everything that I have done to the staff team, I am sorry for my actions of which I have did braking the rules on the server. I have changed my ways and now that I took the time to understand the rules of the server I feel like I should make a appeal. Like I said I am a changed person and I wish to come back and have fun on Prom. I understand all the rules of which I have read in the forums and the pages. I have taken my time to read them twice to understand and make sure of it. I just wanted to say that I enjoyed playing on the server and one day I hope to join back on it. 

Thank you,

Additional Information:

This ban was a long time ago and I forgot the whole reason behind it. 

Thank you.


Edited by PunGun
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Seems Genuine to me. Seeing as it has been a long time maybe give him another shot?

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but you never change after like what  5 times its just a cycle with you

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  On 1/22/2025 at 10:17 PM, Cravfe said:

but you never change after like what  5 times its just a cycle with you


It has been almost two years ever sense I logged on the server for a while. I have taken a lot of my time to reflect on my self and to understand and obey the rules that were made on the server. I took my own time to read the rules and to show the community that I am sorry for my actions of what I did as a player in the community and I am ready to renter the community and have fun. 

And saying people never change because you look at their record and see the things they have done *in the past* means that they will never change and they will never reflect and change themselves. I find that very incorrect for the reason being that there were many players who took the time and took a deep breath and understood that there was a problem they needed fixed in order to come back as a normal player who understood the rules and system of the community.   And what did some of them do? Either they just sit there and understood that they were permabanned, or fix the problem by reflecting upon themselves and making a decision on reading the rules and understanding what they did wrong. 

However I do think some people have a mind set that prevents them from changing interlay but I can assure you that I took my time reading the rules and reflecting on the actions that I did that harmed the community's role play.  And that is why I made this appeal in the first place so that I can prove that I have reflected upon myself and took my time to change for the better.

I hope you find it in your hearts to forgive my wrongs in the past and to let me renter and have fun with the community.

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It's been 2 years, that's quite a long of time passed. I would give them a chance at the very least least.

Edited by Garden Gnome
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After review, you were banned for a few reasons.

1) You attempted to get an 11 rank meta promotion around UA.

2) You were trying to collect screenshots for some random YouTuber via tagging GA and UA regarding if Denning was playing on our server at the time. (Which he was banned at that point).

3) Malicious behavior towards members of the community.

At times we've to allow people to come back to the community, but trying to go as far to falsely smear the community with malicious intent for some publicity is just behavior that will never be acceptable. Forgiven, but not forgotten.

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