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Ban appeal


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Your Name: Brutus Dardanius 

SteamID Steam ID: 76561198380104983

Appeal Type: Dispute/apology 

Which staff member banned you?: Mr arrow

How long is your ban for?:  28days 

Why were you banned?: LTARP, PO'S

Hello, I was banned for LTAP. I thought I was within my rights to be able to leave. Before leaving I contacted an admin via a ticket and asked whether or not I would be allowed to leave (you can probably see this conversation on logs). He was rather vague and after a while said something along the lines of just "Are you in an active RP situation" to which at the time I was not currently as I was communicating with nobody and just hiding in a corner of a room. I answered no and therefore left the server.  If I was in the wrong here my bad but I thought the admin was telling me that if I was not in an active RP situation I was allowed to leave? bit confused. If someone could clarify where I went wrong here, if i did, then cheers. If allowed back I will happily face whatever was waiting for me on the server be it demotion etc etc. I am sorry here just a confused dude ? as of writing this it has been like half an hour since the incident so I hope its not too late to come back from where things were just left off. 

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Hello, I am the staff member who banned you, I banned you because you left the server to avoid Rp, you were in an active RP situation and left, there was a “man hunt” on you and you left and you were banned many times for the same reason and received many notes, I would even say that this ban should be extended because as you can see you have not learned from your past offenses and I even sent you a message on Discord and gave you about 10 minutes to return and you did not respond. So with that said, I don't think this ban should be lifted.

  • Chad 1
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