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ban appeal


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Your Name: Klouse Eisenhour

SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX):  STEAM_0:0:664970219

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology

Which staff member banned you?:  virus

How long is your ban for?: perm

Why were you banned?: the reason was none also alting 2 times

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: i don't even remember what happened i do get that i tried to evade the ban 2 times and I'm sorry for that but I wish that you could unban me so that I may roleplay on this server once more

Additional Information: I was banned like all most 3 years ago so I have no clue what even happened but what I am going to say is if your going to ban someone give a reason

Edited by coke121234
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and if i brake rules i dont mind if you reinstate the perm ban i just want to play on the server though

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i dont know what happend but for what i did im sorry for who i hurt and i just want to make people with my rp so if you could unban me i would be forever in  your deat

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With the amount of effort put in the appeal, like the spelling errors and I don't really see an apology for twice alting on our community.

You wish to be unbanned. Well most people who are banned want that but you know they actually apologize for their actions.

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only reason i did not put effort is i dont know why i was banned if i knew there would be a lot of effort

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so again im sorry for what i may have done but i just want to roleplay again i hope you understand

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also i get the alting 

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You were banned on 2024/02/01 for 3 days. I assume you then came back and instantly broke numerous rules for virus to ban you. I assume the initial ban was not permenant, however you attempted to alt not once, but twice. This is when it was then put to Permenant. Put more effort into your appeal, and say your sentences on one post. You are spamming different things with numerous errors. 


This will be review in time, so stop with the numerous posts. 

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51 minutes ago, Ryan said:

You were banned on 2024/02/01 for 3 days. I assume you then came back and instantly broke numerous rules for virus to ban you. I assume the initial ban was not permenant, however you attempted to alt not once, but twice. This is when it was then put to Permenant. Put more effort into your appeal, and say your sentences on one post. You are spamming different things with numerous errors. 


This will be review in time, so stop with the numerous posts. the inital ban was perm


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Low effort in your appeal and 0 patience for us to review. You say you don't remember why you were banned, but the record shows you were trying to alt. 

You may post a new appeal on May 1st, 2025.


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