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August von Blüme - PK Appeal


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Character's name & rank: 

August von Blüme





Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): 

I don't recall the Staff Member's name.


Explain why you were PK'd: 


I was walking during a Coup De’tat, Officers asked me for my ID. 

I didn't want to expose my identity, so i attempted to run away in order to avoid getting in jail for my firearms.

I managed to get onto the sewers, however i was shot dead on the ladder whilst climbing down.




Why should you be un-PK'd?: 


I worked hard and put depth into my character such as negative & positive traits, as i was also persuading creating a resistance group.

I had a large sum of money there, which i worked hard to achieve, and i'd hate to lose my progress & my current diplomatic situation with other characters.


Additional Information: 


I'm a but unfamiliar with the rules, since i've lately started playing the server and wasn't introduced to the rules properly.

I wasn't aware at the time that i'd be PKed.




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The situation was fully within the PK guidelines, you were under gunpoint, and had the decision to either run ( and risk your characters life ) or be detained . You decided to run which is why i made the decision to PK your character. However i am not against giving you a second chance only if you read over the rules at your soonest convenience. 



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man i wasnt even wary that was going to happen, nor could’ve i understood whatever PK was until you told me.

I really dont wanna lose my progress, you cut me off just when i hit like 200K

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@fidelI apologise, I have read the PK-Guidelines and now take in note that in the encounter, i would've been PKed.

I have reviewed the footage and next time i'll be more wary towards my character.

Next-time, I will conjugate my decision.


Edited by markercereal
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+1 He is a new player and deserves a second chance.

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