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My Sincere apology and ban appeal


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Your Name:  Brady ( Used to be Niko )

SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): 

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology

Which staff member banned you?: Vixx

How long is your ban for?: Perm

Why were you banned?: VDM and PO's

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?:  Okay so I want to start by saying this, sorry if its a little long I just want to address everything I have done that caused me getting banned and I want to see if I can get unbanned.

The initial Ban: 

So I was playing the server normally when I was in this tank bike looking thing when people were crossing the street but there is one thing I want to mention, I have this problem with my internet where I randomly have a lag spike and just start rubberbanding for a few seconds which might seem weird now but I might aswell admit it so people know and this is weird with cars to where my inputs are very, VERY delayed so when I tried to turn but since they were backing up because I was initially going straight my vehicle went into their direction and ran I think three people over, then I get pulled and Vixx asked why I did it, me then not really caring at all just thought I would say "I thought it was funny" which hear me out here I don't think that blatantly breaking rules is funny, I was talking about the act of a car running into a bunch of people and them flying in a virtual game so then I got banned which I think was totally fair but I thought I would appeal it but it was the way I appealed it which is the main thing I want to apologize for.

The Alt Account:

So with me getting banned I was impatient, and i wanted to play again but in my impatient annoyed state I thought making a alt account and joining would be the right thing instead of just waiting for the ban to go up and serve my punishment, then I joined and got perma banned which sucked, I want to apologize for this because I think it was overall just a dumb thing to do and a real blunder for me to do and I obviously shouldn't have done it.

My abuse of appeal's:

So this is one of the main things I wanted to apologize for because I thought this was the main big mistake I made that I should mainly apologize for I have been fucking stupid to abuse these, my first appeal got denied and I was annoyed so I thought trying to make multiple after even though getting told not to, then I thought it would be funny to make an appeal after new years saying " Oh haha its been a year get it funny because its a new year get it and technically a year is more then whatever time period you guys told me to post in" which wasn't funny it was just kinda corny so I was just annoyed and mad that I could not be unbanned.

My personal apology to Hound: 

Dear Hound, 

I want to personally apologize for my constant reaching out and just overall being annoying to you even when I wasn't banned I was just being immature and a dick on my part and I personally want to apologize for any inconvience I caused you. I hope and pray you see this just so you know that I feel bad for what I have said and done. I hope we can move on and have no more quarrel.

I made this mainly not as an appeal but just for an apology for all the stuff I have done but I still did mention my ban and I did post this in ban appeal, and to be truthful I miss this server and I hope someone can find it in their heart to view this and hopefully I can be a part of the community and play this server once again like I used to despite my past.


Additional Information:  Im sorry.

Edited by Niko1226
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I also want to say that all of this is my fault.

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so can someone respond

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On 1/29/2025 at 7:42 PM, Niko1226 said:

SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): 76561198971359721

This is not how you answer this question.

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Either way, you were told on your previous appeal:


Because you can’t listen, I’ll be denying this appeal. I will also be suspending your forum account for 30 days, and you will not be permitted to appeal your ban for 90 days.

It has only been 30 days.

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Oh sorry I thought i was able to post again

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so can I fix that steam id?


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I dont know how to get steam ID.

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and also 90 days is a little harsh

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On 1/31/2025 at 4:30 PM, Niko1226 said:

and also 90 days is a little harsh

I do not care. You showed zero regard for our guidelines the last several times you made appeals (all of which were in the span of 1-2 days, despite being told to stop). 

Do not make another ban appeal until that time has passed.

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