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Tito's Ban Appeal

Tito 毛泽东

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Your Name: Fisherman's Friend / Tito

SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:556448831

Appeal Type:  Apology

Which staff member banned you?: Brownpug

How long is your ban for?: 5 Days

Why were you banned?: Global Rule 1; specifically usage of a racial slur

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Originally I planned on waiting out the 5 days, since the ban is justified in that I broke the rule. I chose to write this apologetic appeal due to a number of changes happening through the last council meeting and outside of it which will have direct consequences for my character and his position within the MoI command staff. I regret the wording I used in a moment of brash humor with a few acquaintances. My sincerest apologies for this momentary misstep and I hope that I will be pardoned this time, so I may handle myself with more grace in the future.

Additional Information: N/A

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Hello, While I understand that you feel you’re missing out on things within the server, you should not have said what you did. This is not the first time I’ve seen this behavior from you. The first time, I was kind enough to issue a note and a verbal warning, but once again, you have violated Global Rule 1. I will leave it up to the Upper Administration to decide whether you will be unbanned or not. However, I strongly urge you to avoid making such comments in the future, even when you are just with a few friends.


Clip from first incident: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jy9hkxgvWhsJRh3AR?invite=cr-MSxsVFAsMTk5MjU2NTc0LA

Screenshot from recent incident: https://ibb.co/HfpY7Vn3

Edited by Brownpug
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This guy should not get unbanned

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