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Ban appeal.


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Your Name:  notquitepig

SteamID https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199116387573/

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute):  Apology

Which staff member banned you?: I dont know

How long is your ban for? 3 days then changed to perm

Why were you banned?:  LTARP 

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?:  Hey, I was banned for 3 days due to LATRP,  I had to leave for personal reasons during a roleplay scene after I had been held by NSB for a significant amount of time (Which i know now is wrong). The next day i woke up to being banned. And stupidly i thought i could try and log into the server with my brothers account to avoid the ban. I know this is wrong and I won't attempt it again.

I hope my unban can be considered as i was banned for such a small thing originally and then my stupid lapse in judgement to try and join on my brothers again has now shifted what was an easy short 3 day ban to a permanent one.



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This has no effort and you tried to ban evade on three accounts denied

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