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Ban Appeal for playing Resistance Part 2

Umami 自殺

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Your Name: Umami

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:20345479

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology

Which staff member banned you?: Lenttz

How long is your ban for?: 2 weeks

Why were you banned?: (MRDM)

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I was playing my resistance character and managed to infiltrate the bank, where I was waiting for the targets to arrive. When they finally entered, they did not notice my presence or question me or tell me to leave. I saw an opportunity when one of the guards walked away, and seized it as the door was unlocked. I entered the room, and proceeded to kill as many high ranking officials possible screaming, "VIVA LA RESISTANCE!" I have been playing this character all day, advertising "Viva La Resistance." yet the guards were not aware of my presence as I was waiting for the right moment to strike.

Additional Information:

In response to Cravfe, he says it was denied because "it just isn't allowed, please read the rules."
Well, I have read all the of the rules right after this, and I do not see anywhere in the rules that prohibits resistance RP. The only rule I have found to correlate to this would be, 

Rule 34: Raids performed on government buildings by approved criminal organizations are to be directly approved and overseen by a member of Upper Administration. Any raids within the above criteria that have not been approved appropriately and overseen by an appropriate member of the staff team are seen as FailRP and RDM for any and all individuals who die during said raid.

However, this was not a raid. This was an assassination attempt as I was playing this resistance character all day and gave the authorities all of the chances in the world to stop me. There is a reason there is security, to stop such threats. They did not perform to their expectations and that were the consequences as you can see by the clip, they did not even attempt to identify me. This character was fully prepared to die for his cause, yet it was met with an immediate ban. So I am asking you to reduce this punishment as I did not fully understand the rules which were not outlined in detail. I tried to RP this scenario, waited for my chance and took it.

This should have been an IC issue, met with a PK instead of an instant ban. The security did not do their job, and I was simply accomplishing my characters goals for his cause. I would like to apologize if I offended anyone I killed, it was not my intention to "FAILRP" or "MRDM". I ask that you reduce my ban, or unban me and meet it with just a PK.

I value the RP of the server, and do not agree with the simple denial of  "Denied. Yeah this isnt allowed please read the rules." with no further explanation.

Because I have read the rules, and nothing clarifies such scenario besides Rule 34, which is up for debate as I was not raiding, I was attempting an assassination. I do not believe that justifies a 2 week ban because security can't do their job. This was my first time RPing on a Civilian resistance character, should I be punished for being able to infiltrate myself into such a position to such extent? I apologize, and would like this to be reviewed. It won't happen again, there was no explanation in the denial of my first ban appeal for me to comprehend.

Thank you for your consideration.






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Just because you don't agree with the verdict of your ban appeal does not mean you get to make a new ban appeal.

Any further appeals for this ban will result in you being suspended from the forums until this current ban is over.

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