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I got banned almost 2 years ago for a misunderstanding

PJ super

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Your Name: PJ_super

SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX):  STEAM_0:1:526506652

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology

Which staff member banned you?: Kex 

How long is your ban for?: Permanent 

Why were you banned?:  I said that i liked 14 years old as a joke and i was 15 at that time so they thought i was a "p3d0" but in the Ban Reason it says Vile 

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I wanna have fun in the server and not mess around and follow the rules of the server and be respectful

Additional Information:  

Almost 2 years ago more specific "2023-09-09 09:37:51"  i was banned because of a "joke" i said that "i liked 14 years old" and the staff thought i was a "P3d0" and then i got Permanent banned at the time i was 15 so basically i couldn't be a "P3d0" because it was only 1 year difference but because i sound older so it looked that i was a "P3d0" and at that time i didn't know that the server is a serious Rp (Roleplay) so i was trolling, but now i want to play the server and have fun and respect the rules so i wanted to apologize and say that i'm sorry about my acts and make it clear that i don't like or support any act of "Pa3d0phili4". Thanks for the attention!

Edited by PJ super
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Edited by PJ super
I already put the info that it was necessary in the other post
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Please use the ban appeal template or this will be denied

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2 hours ago, PJ super said:

i was banned because of a "joke"


According to Kex, you continued this behavior up until your ban even when you were warned by other players that this is not tolerated in our community.

@Primewas also involved in your ban and it was extended to perma by @PieLardAss

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I was messing around at the time and i regreet what i have done i didn't know that guys you would take it serious i'm really sorry if i offended anyone 

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30 minutes ago, Slug said:


According to Kex, you continued this behavior up until your ban even when you were warned by other players that this is not tolerated in our community.

@Primewas also involved in your ban and it was extended to perma by @PieLardAss

I was messing around at the time and i regreet what i have done i didn't know that you guys would take it serious i'm really sorry if i offended anyone in the server or any admin

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Given that you just violated Global Rule #11 by attempting to evade the ban...


Appeal: Denied
Thread: Locked

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