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PK appeal for John Cool


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Character's name & rank:  John Cool      civilian 

SteamID32: 76561199730525478 

Staff member who issued the PK: De spi

Explain why you were PK'd: the police gave me life imprisonment after court

Why should you be un-PK'd?: It was about robbing lapo officers but the one time i did rob them i killed them so they could bring me to court but they did and also i had died shortly after due to an unrelated incident.

Additional Information: The unrelated incident was being run over by a car and being sent to hospital.

Edited by Do0dle_01
Fix the thing like you want.
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Follow the PK appeal template or this will be denied.


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Hello, thank you for using the forums! I am the staff member who approved your PK (Permanent Kill). You were PK'd under the guideline "Court Order PK." You have received a life sentence in prison, and you can appeal your case in the State Discord. Your appeal will be reviewed by members of the Ministry of Justice. You had a chance to fight the allegations in court, but instead, you decided to plead guilty to the charges presented against you.

Anyway, I wish you the best of luck with further appeals!

Here is a link to the State Discord: https://discord.gg/pEz6yrZ45f

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You can resolve this in character since your character is not dead but sentenced to life in Prison so you are able to appeal your life sentence in the state discord.

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