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Hanzaki Zheng PK Appeals

Abu Batata

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Character's name & rank: Oberinspektor Hanzaki Zheng

SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:831880726

de spi

Explain why you were PK'd: started a gunfight won it but I got bashed in the head

Why should you be un-PK'd?:I find it rather unjust that a random civilian, with no intention or reason to strike me, should be involved in a matter to which he had no connection. Furthermore, the officers should have endeavoured to issue me a fine rather than attempt to arrest me. It was, after all, the authorities who apprehended me, not the civilian in question, and I was, regrettably, permanently eliminated by their actions.

Additional Information: .They were speaking out of character after dying

Edited by Abu Batata
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Here is the clip of the situation https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jCfghyPQGaCGtV4OS/Wx4qgYvs55iq?invite=cr-MSxGeUUsMzE0NjU4Njcs

How do you think this would not be a PK?

As you clearly started a gunfight and died here.

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I got killed by a guy with a shovel how will we make it I got unconscious for 3 days

Edited by Abu Batata
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5 hours ago, Abu Batata said:

Character's name & rank: Oberinspektor Hanzaki Zheng

SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:831880726

de spi

Explain why you were PK'd: started a gunfight won it but I got bashed in the head

Why should you be un-PK'd?:I find it rather unjust that a random civilian, with no intention or reason to strike me, should be involved in a matter to which he had no connection. Furthermore, the officers should have endeavoured to issue me a fine rather than attempt to arrest me. It was, after all, the authorities who apprehended me, not the civilian in question, and I was, regrettably, permanently eliminated by their actions.

Additional Information: .They were speaking out of character after dying

I think this situation if true, would either call for a rank demotion or a temp pk not a full one. If he had died to one of the officers attempting to detain him and were in the rp scenario, that would make sense to be a valid full PK

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You clearly started a gunfight here and died therefore putting you under the PK guideline: "Initiating a gunfight and dying".

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