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Unfair PK


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Character's name & rank: Oberluetnant Ernst G. Welig 

SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:645939357

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know):  Dont Know 

Explain why you were PK'd: Khris Kristy shot me and 2 other people with a AT rifle and we all got PK'd 

Why should you be un-PK'd?:  PK Guideline rule Break:  PKing someone for the sole purpose of taking their job/title.

Additional Information:  Clip of the event that happened: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jDauQgzMRCzlDs48G?invite=cr-MSx3b0osMjM3Mzk5ODI3LA

I'm the officer in the grey and the clip cuts right before I'm shot but trust me he fucking shot me and I am currently PK'd 

Edited by forzen
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Explain to me how I was intent on taking your job or title. 

You were PK'd for the same reason as your friend. You guys were acting like complete and total morons. Not fit to be one of the highest ranking officers. Restart as an enlisted. 

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"You were PK'd for the same reason as your friend. You guys were acting like complete and total morons. Not fit to be one of the highest ranking officers. Restart as an enlisted. " - Whoreson

Summary: "Your Dumb, I'm taking your rank away start over."  (Not a valid reason for a Major, Oberluetnant and a Lieutenant to all be PK'd with a anti-tank rifle you pulled from your ass)

                        ^Literally that is the definition of: PKing someone for the sole purpose of taking their job/title.  Follow the PK rules or atleast RP out the event in character next time, As I should of been the only                                                    one in trouble not the other two since I was the guy who shot the civie.

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I think you misunderstand, which would likely explain the extreme frontal lobe diff. Your summary is correct, you're an idiot and I took your rank away. It absolutely is a valid reason. It's just some high ranking CO being a complete moron, lowering the RP standards for everyone around. Not someone I want on in any position of authority. Also, the PK rule you mention is, and has always been, for a subordinate to PK youjust so they can take your job, as in, do your job. 

It's quite clear to me you've learned nothing and have no intention of behaving any differently. As such, you are being permanently banned. You may write an appeal within 60 days if you wish. I have no interest in sub-human mongrel dogs barking around my server. Thanks!

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