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Jebidiah Jackson III, Pk was approved before staff even seen the clip.


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Character's name & rank: Leutnant Jebidiah Jackson III

SteamID : STEAM_0:0:576903609)

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Itztreyway

Explain why you were PK'd:  I was outside the ICC on my Luftwaffe character working on a dupe.  i had a pk monger come up and immediately start shouting at me to stop moving, i was gonna freeze my trashcan and step down to stop moving and do whatever he wanted in rp. he then shot me before i even put my phys gun down. i had literally just gotten into the city and all i wanted to do was work on my dupe. the man is a pk monger (someone who tries to pk as many people as possible).

Why should you be un-PK'd?:  i in my own defense don't think i did anything wrong. all i wanted to do is work on my dupe and not be harassed as i was going to use it later for RP reasons. he gave me not very much time to stop what i was doing. i did not run nor try to fight him. i would like to have my char un pk'd because it is my main and i have a lot of time and effort put in building a business and working with people. i was going to do what he asked under fear RP i had a total of maybe 10 seconds to even make a decision. once again i didn't run or do anything within the rules of fear RP.

Additional Information:  i have been provided the clip from itztreyway, https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jDQecs4yGo6FuVusr/tsXL7xOoH49L?invite=cr-MSxLOG4sMTI1OTc3MTQs  . i await your guys decision please if at all possible un pk me. my discord is Dr.Spuddzy


Edited by Dr.Spuddzy
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You were PK'd under the Guideline (Being killed while not abiding by Fear-RP).

As shown in the Clip, I came up to you with the intent of detaining you. I pulled out my Gun and ordered you not to move nor turn around to try to get you detained. You continuously broke that said commandment. I gave you ample time to not move. 

From my perspective of myself in this situation, you need to keep in mind that the idea of the said order is to make sure YOU don't pull out and revolver me in the face in retaliation while I make my arrest. However ,you continuously ignored it, risking your life in the process by disobeying my orders for a prolonged time.

In the aftermath of the situation, I made a ticket but noticed that there was barely any staff on. Due to that, I reached out to a staff member on Discord who was a Member of UA (Prime) and asked him if he could check if that would be a PK.

I wish you good luck on your appeal!


EDIT: (Just noticed. You added the wrong type of SteamID. The SteamID that is required for the Appeal is:     STEAM_0:0:576903609)

Edited by Saito
Just noticed.
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i understand this but also you said stop moving not anything else, all i did was look at you. i did not run nor did i pull a gun. i was going to walk down off my prop so you could make your arrest but you kept telling me to not move so thats what i did. and so you would know i wasnt trying to phase you i was trying to figure out where your voice was coming from after that i put the prop down in order to now accidentally push you.


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... (don't turn around. don't face me) can be heard in the medal clip.

You could've just stopped moving, making it MY responsibility in what happens next. Yet you didn't. 

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in all respect due because of you accent i couldn't understand you saying face, i thought you were saying phase referring to the prop i was holding. as in dont phase me in the prop.


Edited by Dr.Spuddzy
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After speaking with Saito, it seems there were a couple irregularities with the PK. He agrees that you should be unPK'd. Any situations relating to this PK, other than the attempting arrest/shooting are still valid.


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