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De Spi's ban appeal

De Spi

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Your Name: De Spi

SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:462352546

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology

Which staff member banned you?: @Gary

How long is your ban for?: 4 weeks

Why were you banned?: Vendor Abuse

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?:

Yesterday, I was banned for what was seen as Vendor Abuse after my friends and I were seen in the Ministry of Procurements Factory purchasing guns. I tried to explain to some members of the Upper Administration who were present that we were all members of the Ministry of Procurements, but they didn't seem to believe us, especially since we didn't have the appropriate roles in the State Discord. I did have the MoP roles at one point but they were removed when I was getting my Ministry of Justice roles. I take responsibility for not ensuring that others received their MoP roles in the State Discord. I feel that my punishment was more severe than it should have been, especially considering that we were simply using guns from the vendor and that I was removed from the staff team for this. We did not distribute them to anyone outside our small group. We only used the firearms when absolutely necessary, such as when we were getting detained or in attempts to rescue one of our members.

Additional Information: I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my appeal!

(Paste into Discord to review; my medal is broken, and I can't upload normal links for some reason)



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Why is this a dispute? 

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4 hours ago, De Spi said:

Your Name: De Spi

SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:462352546

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute

Which staff member banned you?: @Gary

How long is your ban for?: 4 weeks

Why were you banned?: Vendor Abuse

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?:

Yesterday, I was banned for what was seen as Vendor Abuse after my friends and I were seen in the Ministry of Procurements Factory purchasing guns. I tried to explain to some members of the Upper Administration who were present that we were all members of the Ministry of Procurements, but they didn't seem to believe us, especially since we didn't have the appropriate roles in the State Discord. I did have the MoP roles at one point but they were removed when I was getting my Ministry of Justice roles. I take responsibility for not ensuring that others received their MoP roles in the State Discord. I feel that my punishment was more severe than it should have been, especially considering that we were simply using guns from the vendor and that I was removed from the staff team for this. We did not distribute them to anyone outside our small group. We only used the firearms when absolutely necessary, such as when we were getting detained or in attempts to rescue one of our members.

Additional Information: I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my appeal!

(Paste into Discord to review; my medal is broken, and I can't upload normal links for some reason)



Seems more like an apology to me 

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I was thinking about putting Both or just Dispute but in the end decided to put just Dispute since I am here to explain the situation and prove that we were permitted to use the vendor which I wasn't able to do on-spot due to my Medal App being broken. In this case, I'll just put apology as the Appeal Type.

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This went from a dispute to an apology, but during the situation you were laughing at UA like it was a big joke to abuse the vendors. Abusing vendors can affect the in-game economy, therefore this ban is more than justified.


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